Wednesday, November 22, 2023

A Rising Tide of Pies


That's what this day is for.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Two Constants


I've always found limits to be creatively helpful--I just think it's easier, when setting out on a creative project, to have fewer options than INFINITY to choose from :). So in my writing I prefer poetic forms--and right now, in my painting, I almost always plunk my flowers down (in real life) in the same milk glass vase. Turns out, there are still infinite ways to paint that vase.

Same with background color. I bought a very large tube of Pthalo Green (because it was on clearance!) at a Dick Blick store a year and a half ago, and ever since it's been my go-to background. It's a great complement for red, orange, or pink flowers, and by adding varying quantities of green, blue, yellow, red, or white, I can move it in a bunch of directions. Not saying I don't occasionally bust out an occasional white or pink background, but generally I rely for the moment on this favorite. 

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Peachy Roses


This is yesterday's studio session--my second painting from the same flowers. I did my best to keep things simple and only show the large shapes. This is much simpler than my first try. It's hard to keep it easy!

Sunday, November 05, 2023

A Sunday Evening Re-Entry

Five years ago without planning to, I drifted away from this blog, as our family moved into a season of almost constant change, almost all of it very good--grandchildren arriving, grown children buying and selling homes, moving hither and yon, starting businesses, starting various schools, graduating, the Schoolhouse turning into an empty nest, and (if you have a fine eye for detail and saw my header), my entry, along with two of my children, into the Catholic Church. For the record, no Catholic/Protestant conflict here :)

The Composer and I continue to live very happily at the Schoolhouse, doing our things! He works, volunteers, watches the world, and keeps the ship upright, and I work a little, walk a lot, plant flowers, go to Mass, drool over grandchildren, and paint most days of the week.

I'm returning to this space to get back to sharing my creative endeavors! The nature of Life Online has changed so that I no longer feeling comfortable feeding the beast with much family info: so while I wish I could share ALL about kids and grandkids, discretion demands otherwise.

But if you're interested in artwork*, the occasional sewing project, recipe, or garden snippet, hang around!

*see Etsy shop shortly!