Sunday, November 13, 2005

Autumn Work in the Flower Garden

My flower garden has been sadly neglected the last two years--that whole new baby thing. Fortunately it does have some mature shrubs and perennials, and stone walkways to give it some structure even when I haven't done much. Next year will be better!

This weekend we got out in it and did a lot of weeding, although it still needs a couple more sessions. I haven't planted fall pansies yet, and am going to do that this week. This week is also for fall bulb planting--down in the mudroom there are lilies, hyacinth, and daffodilI bulbs waiting for me. I'm also getting a giant free load of pinebark mulch from the neighbor down the road who runs a tree-trimming service. Once I get that spread, it will be looking good!

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