Thursday, November 03, 2005

Getting Groceries

The decision about where to buy the weekly groceries has become an economically-charged and morally-laden one, now that the SuperWalMart has opened in our town. Do we give them our business, thereby assuring that some day they really will be the only store in town for anything and everything? Are low prices everything? Can I stand the enormous parking lot? Do I want to load the groceries into the car by myself or have the helpful Kroger bagboy do it?

For now I am sticking with the grocery store, which for the last two weeks has been eerily empty, ever since the grand opening of the SuperW. And reminding myself how blessed I am, to be able to go to the store and get everything I need and lots of things I want. After all, as Grace Livingston Hill said so succintly, "The primary duty of a woman in a home is to see that her family is well-fed!"


  1. Hi, I just love reading your blog. I too have fallen in love with many of Grace Livingston Hills books. It is interesting because I first became aware of her on your blog. I happened to mention her to my mom and she actually had The Enchanted Barn. Brilliant. My mom also introduced me to Edith Schaefers books several years ago. I think that you might like the author's Elizabeth Gouge and Mary Stewart as well.

    Back to the topic that really inspired me to comment, WAL-MART.
    There is a eye opening documetary
    about this topic called Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price. Here is the link I just so happened to catch it on t.v. I feel that I, personally could never conscionably shop there again.

    You have inspired me in so many ways. I am so happy that I happened upon your blog. Interestingly enough, I was doing a search on Eloise Wilkins illustrations and that is how I stumbled, rather fortuitously upon your blog. Yay! I just love it. I just wish that it was in a book form so that I could cuddle up in bed and read all of your archives in one sitting.


  2. Elizabeth Goudge!! Her books, her worlds, are magical - the way she expresses things. And I haven't even read that many of them, but they made a deep impression.
    "A City of Bells" is unutterably charming and beautiful.

