Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Local Art

The little road we live on is outside of town, and quite short--about two miles. And not built up at all, so not that many houses. So far, five people on our road have had solo art exhibits in the last few years! Tonight we went to see my sweet neighbor Eve's opening. She's a textile artist who works at home on a loom and creates beautiful, deeply-colored woven pieces. They were gorgeous and superbly displayed at the university in town. I bought a huckweave, hand-woven kitchen towel in beautiful strawberry and periwinkle plaid--for only $9.

Local exhibits and showings can be great places to find interesting, original pieces you can afford, often with the bonus of knowing or meeting the artist! Most towns of any size have art centers that showcase local artists, and any college with an art department will have lots of student shows--especially in the spring when seniors are finishing up. There's lots of great stuff out there if you go out and look!

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