Saturday, February 11, 2006

Challenge: Week of Decorating

I'm challenging myself to do at least one thing every day this week that meets these criteria:

•it must be absolutely free
•it must be more substantial than decluttering or tidying--it should last overnight!
•it makes the house look better
•ideally it fixes something that's been nagging at me

I got off to a great start today in the sitting room, which is the entry room to our house as well as a cozy room where we spend lots of time reading on the couch and looking out the windows at birds, deer, and weather. Daisy likes to get in there and dump out the massive contents of her a) giant book basket and b) huge basket of stuffed animals.

However, this afternoon I got in there and did these things:

•stitched new fabric over the worn, shredded, embarassing arms of the armchair.
•moved out a large round low table that took up too much space (it went to the living room) and moved in a pale green primitive coffee table (it had been in the living room).
•Giles got in there with a hammer and screwdrive and pried a bunch of unused curtain rod holders and curtain rod dowels out from above the windows. He also removed six or seven nails that had been sticking out the side of a big green primitive cupboard in the sitting room. Thanks Giles!

I hope for many more ideas to come to me in my sleep, as now I have none. Six days to go!

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