Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Vintage Finds: The Homemaker's Encyclopedia

I uncovered this gem at the vintage book store a couple of weeks ago. Apparently it is one in a series of Homemaker's Encyclopedias--this one is "Food-Buying and Menu Planning." I adore it for its many photos of glamorous young homemakers in fabulous aprons looking happy in the kitchen, as well as its spot-on advice. Such as:
"Don't get gay and combine several part-full bottles of milk if they weren't all purchased the same day, or you may sour otherwise sweet milk."
"Every housewife knows that sinking feeling when she finds--much too late--the leftover chicken she'd planned to use for salad."
"Don't let your meal develop an all-white look through the use of fish, potatoes, cauliflower, and onions."
"A friendly cooperative attitude will make your shopping easier. Not that you should expect preferential treatment, but because your wants and needs will be accorded more interest and helpfulness where you are a regular and known customer. Even a store which features self-service can sense a friendly attitude. . ."
*Love* the middle picture of the young lady cooking in her suit (is she just back from court?) using a condiment which appears to be salt. . .


  1. I know envy is a sin, but I am now so jealous! ;) I love vintage homemaking books. Enjoy!

  2. It's so much fun to time travel with the help of nothing more than an old cookery book, isn't it? I love the glimpses in older films and books of the life of the housewives and always wish the whole film/book was about shopping, cooking, keeping house!

  3. Anna, I posted a note to you under "Rainy Day Saturdays" but I meant to put it here.


  4. Kelli--
    Thanks for the nice note! I would love to be added to your favorites list!


  5. What a cool book! I'll bet those ladies got a great deal more satifaction out of their "home" work than the poor gals throwing a meal together from the deli every night!
    Maybe if we dressed the part of successful housewife??????


  6. I have these books. I just love them.
