Monday, October 09, 2006

"Little Gingham Bindings"

"Her neat blue and white checked gingham was just low enough to show the white of her throat, above the sheer collar that matched the rolled back cuffs and pockets banded with the gingham. The whole school thought that Mary Truman was always well dressed. Those little gingham bindings on the organdy pockets, for instance, marked the line between the banker's daughter and other girls whose mothers had not the time to bother with such details."

--Grace Livingston Hill, Tomorrow About This Time


  1. Bothering with the details....
    Yes! I think it's really what marks the difference between joyous living and plodding along.
    And Anna, my daughter and I made your broccoli soup tonight. Delicious!
    Thank you for sharing all of the small and lovely details that compose your blog.
    ~Ann C.

  2. Gingham--one of my favorites! When I was in high school, I had a dress or blouse in every color I could find! Now I indulge my love by using it as quilt binding as often as I can.

    I love what Ann above said about details: it marks the difference between joyous living and plodding along.

    Grace inspires us again!
