Saturday, February 24, 2007

Backroads: My Walk

My afternoon walk never fails to offer its own particular beauty--doesn't matter what kind of day it is, there is always something fresh and good to see.

The stretch of dirt road:

After this morning's rain:

A small pond frequented by great blue herons:

The last few weeks of the winter's golden grass:

Giles with a camera:


  1. What a lovely walking path you have. Do you take walks as a family or is it your quiet time to contemplate the day and be refreshed?

  2. What a wonderful place to go for a walk. There is nothing like the pace and rhythm of walking to keep the world in balance.

  3. Hello!
    I just love reading your blog! Your images are so peaceful. They remind me to stop and just look around me instead of just scurrying everywhere.
    Thank you,
