Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Nest for Felix

I did Felix's room in blue and white, with furniture painted white or left in shades of pale blue or green. But Felix did his room in birds.

The top of his bookcase:

The shelves:

On his bed, a guinea feather (love the polka dots!):

Above his bed, a watercolor painting of his favorite stuffed toy, Little Ducky:

And Little Ducky himself, in battered glory:

I guess it's the perfect nest for Felix!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a great room. I like how it reflects his passion for birds. Little Ducky was my favorite.

  3. What a peaceful room and what an incredibly tidy room for a teenage boy. I guess he tidied before the photo session.

  4. I love how you call it his "nest." Nest is such a warm, comfy word!

    Love seeing his passion--thanks for sharing the photos.

  5. What a great series of photos. I have several "favorite" blogs...but if I can only read one before starting my day, I check out part because the photos of your home are inspiring! What a relaxing, uncluttered, beautiful nest you've all of the rooms it would appear!

  6. I look forward each day to what you have to share through your blog. Your many talents are so inspiring and so very admirable. I love your color choices and the colors in your home are really lovely. Would it be asking too much if you show us more of your home through pictures. I am about to do some painting in my home and your unusual colors, and such serene and restful end products are what I hope to achieve in my home. Many thanks.

  7. What a beautiful room. Congratulations.

  8. This room and your life seem so gentle.
