Tuesday, July 31, 2007

"The Commencement of Natural Creativity"

"Given a tiny new human being, how can you know what encouragement to give? Is this a musician, painter, writier, mathematician, or zoologist who will do something magnificent in one of these areas, given the right beginning? The knowledge of what talents lie within the seed is hidden, but an atmosphere can be conducive to developing in many directions, until later one or another becomes obvious as some special talent. The environment in a family should be conducive to the commencement of natural creativity, as natural as breathing, eating, and sleeping."

--Edith Schaeffer, What Is a Family?


  1. What a wonderful quote. I've read her "Hidden Art of Homemaking," but I haven't read that one. I love the way she phrases things in such positive, motivating way.

  2. I really enjoy reading "What is a family" and sometimes get it out and read it again when I lose sight of what it is all about amidst the daily hum drum of life.

  3. Ooh, that's a good quotation.

    Her book is so full of insight. It helps to see one thought standing on its own.
