Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cloth Shopping Bags

No idea why it took me so long to organize cloth bags for my grocery shopping. If I could have anticipated the smug, righteous feeling I would get at the checkout counter as I whipped them out, I would have made them long ago . . .

These are made from a thrifted tablecloth ($1) and lined with grey dotted swiss that was a stash pass-along. I made five and they held about two-thirds of my week's groceries. So I'm thinking two or three more, in some dashing fabric.

Perhaps green?


  1. These are almost too beautiful to use for groceries. I would hold my head high as I pulled them out too. You are a wonderful seamstress. I've admired you're blue vintage dress a few weeks back.
    God bless.

  2. I enjoy making bags. It never occurred to me to make grocery bags! What a great idea! You have so many fun ideas.

  3. Yes, Green would be good! Green is good for almost anything! I had heard of making grocery bags... it looks simple enough... infact, I have a thrifted tablecloth that is a little small, but I love the fabric and was wondering what to make with it... the only thing I had thought of was napkins! :0)
    Hilda Rebecca

  4. What size did you make yours? How long of a handle? I bought some that were too big. The checkers would fill them way too full and then the kids couldn't help me carry them in. So I made some, but I made the handles too long. It seems they needed to be reinforced handles too. I have some fabric to make more when I figure out the right dimensions and technique.

  5. Genius idea and gorgeous color combination. Yes, I think green would be a nice addition.

  6. I love the fabric combos you use. They are always so delightful. I know just the smug, righteous feeling you are talking about...I swallow it down every time I pull out my cloth bags. :)
    My bags, however, are not nearly so delightful as yours.

  7. I too use cloth bags for transporting groceries, but mine are store bought, and certainly not as lovely as yours. Beautiful bags, and a great idea!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  8. I have been using nothing but cloth shopping bags when I shop for almost 20 years. I never feel smug about it. It just feels right. I toss them in the wash when they get soiled. Extras can be picked up at yard sales for pennies. Any cloth bag will do. I encourage all of you ladies to try it. You will like it!

  9. Very lovely, Anna. We have a Trader Joe's nearby, so I got very used to using their reusable shopping bags...but, OH! how I would love to use a chartreuse bag--and be known as the green bag lady.

  10. Oh they are lovely! I have some cloth ones with a store logo one them - not very inspiring at all. These would make shopping a positive pleasure.

  11. Oh do please give layman's instrutions. I would love to make some for myself and for my mom for Christmas!!! Bless you for your beautiful work.

  12. They are so lovely. That plum color is irresistable! Make a few for your shop and you've got a sure buyer.

  13. Gorgeous!!! I would look forward to grocery shopping if I was using these - hee hee!! Can you please post dimensions?

  14. Your sewing is so wonderful! Would you share what type of a machines you use?

  15. Hi, I found you through one thing. I'm impressed by how you used the fabric and got the leaves to line up with the handles.

  16. Your grocery bags are beautiful. I know you will enjoy using them, I enjoy using my cloth bags. But mine aren't as pretty as yours.

  17. Anna

    Love it...the fabric really is smashing and the lining so sweet!

    thanks for sharing...maybe I can give it a go...though I am a beginner sewer.

    They so scream -you! (I am surprised no one tried to grab them from you before you got them into your car!..hee hee!)
    love em.

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted
    *waiting on a Guatemalan adoption

  18. Glad you all love the bags! Anyone can make these, they are so simple. I'll post a tutorial in the next few days so you can all make them yourselves. I just cut out a big batch to make up for my neighbor--she has offered to transport my recycling for me every week, and I wanted to tell her thanks.

    Kimmie, praying for your adoption.

  19. Oh, I'm so glad you'll be providing some instructions for us all on these. They really are delightful - what a great idea!

  20. Our your could use "holiday" prints! Halloween ones for October, Red/white and blue for July! LOL.... You do a wonderful job! Lovely creations.

  21. Those are gorgeous. . . Makes going grocery shopping seem like a real treat instead of a chore!


  22. And here I was wishing they were going in your etsy shop....they're beautiful and what a neat way to carry groceries. How appropriate to use a tablecloth! I may have to make myself some!

    I don't post often but I enjoy your blog weekly!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Very lovely bags! We use cloth bags as well, but our fabrics don't match and the sizes are rather random. Matching grocery bags would be so fun! I look forward to your tutorial; perhaps I'll brave the sewing world soon.

  25. How truly sad that you are rejoicing in a "smug self-righteous feeling" about using the cloth shopping bags! Even sadder am I that you wrote such a prideful comment in your blog. My daughters and myself plus numerous other friends have used them for many years. Doing the right thing is just that... doing the right thing.

  26. I'm looking forward to the tutorial--thanks for being willing to post it:). I think these would make nice gifts!

  27. Oh, dear Anna, if only all your readers were savvy enough to realize you were being tongue in cheek about the "smug" thing! Cheers from a fellow recycler!

  28. I have only recently discovered your blog and I'm entranced...

    I've found that my not-homemade-but-practical-bags that I use for shopping are appreciated more by the clerks if they have a loop in the middle of one side between the handles. That way they hook on the bag carousels and are not falling all over as they try to quickly pack my items. Anything to make my checkout clerks smile! :)
