Thursday, May 29, 2008

On the Stage

Today the Schoolhouse was Studiohouse as the Composer shot a music video on the dining room stage. We moved *everything* out of the way (oh that's a lot of china in the china cabinet!) to make a beautiful empty space.

Everyone had a job to do: Giles gaffed and Felix gripped and Clara ran the music track and Bella kept the talent supplied with water and a hairbrush and Daisy rode her trike in several scenes and I cooked and wrangled Daisy.

In this splintered world it is a gift to work together.


  1. this is a gorgeous photograph...composition is excellent.

  2. Sounds like fun! I love the photo, very nice indeed.

  3. It IS a gift to work together; you are so right about that.

    I winced as I read about moving all that china. I'm imagining my own china cupboard and how less-than-enthused I would be if I needed to move it for a music video. I'm sure your attitude was much better than mine would have been! :)

  4. Just curious if the music video was for a famous musician or something entirely different.

  5.! So is that you in the picture?

  6. How delightful! I love that you are able to work together, you are right it is such a gift!

  7. A serious look at this photograph...the boots and knees and a guitar would lead us to believe we might see this video on the CMT or GAC station. Should we start looking? It's very interesting to see all the phases of the lives of those living in the old schoolhouse. Keep On...Love it.

    Ms. Dale

  8. What fun you all must have had--and what wonderful memories you made:)


  9. Wonderful photo from Giles as always!

    Will the video be posted online? It would be lovely to see the Composer's creative side, I'm sure it's a match for his talented wife and children!

  10. Lots of fun! What variety you have at the Schoolhouse!

  11. Unfortunately I can't steer you to this artist, as the terms of my blogging privacy policy, as set by the Composer, forbid it :) But it doesn't hurt to keep your eyes open!

  12. Okay, never mind, I see now that this annonymous (sp?) artist is the one in the picture.
