Monday, September 29, 2008

Rusty Hydrangeas

I almost love my hydrangeas best when they're shabby and rusty . . . .


  1. And with good reason!

    Your photos are lovely, Anna. You must have been taught well.

  2. I don't blame you. They're crispy and clean.

  3. I was at Chataqua Institute in New York state this weekend and they had the most glorious hydrangeas. Made me want to come home and plant a few more of them in my beds. Yours are lovely!

  4. I don't gamble, but if I did I would be willing to bet that hydrangeas will bloom all year long in Heaven. :-)

  5. ohhh I LOVE hydrangeas!! Have some beautiful dry blue ones in my dining room right now! LOVE THEM!

  6. I found your blog through Rocks in My Dryer. Reading through, I came across this post. I love hydrangea's, as well. I blogged about a beautiful wreath in the SL magazine. Oh, the photo doesn't do it justice. It's a barbed wire wreath with a sweet bird's nest, berries & hydrangea. From the pics on your blog, something similar would fit in well on a comfortable wall in your home or a rustic garden-area wall. Just wanted to share with you.
    Thanks for sharing your life through your blog.
