Monday, March 09, 2009

Felix and Dixon

A happy visit from cousin Dixon--some Felix there, yes? A great boy day with air-soft guns, sling shots made of duct tape, forays into the woods and pasture, and the season's first ticks.


  1. my goodness they look like twins not cousins!!

  2. Yes, there is a definite resemblance! He must be from your Husband's side of the family, since Felix, as well as Clara, resembles him more than you.

  3. Sounds like a day right up my boys' alley. But I'd much prefer it without the "t" word. :)

  4. I never thought hearing about ticks in March would make me happy- but it really does. Spring is coming!! Bless you!

  5. Ah,,the way things should be.. boys being boys!

  6. Boys are such delicious little creatures, aren't they? :)

  7. They look identical! I'm sure Felix really enjoyed having another boy around now that Giles is gone.

  8. Someone once told me, "A boy is noise with dirt on it." I rather agree, and think it grand.

  9. Such peace in their eyes - they look like amazing young men. That is what I am striving for in my boys...

  10. From tea party to ticks -- Felix is a well-rounded boy!

  11. Oh, wow- that is really uncanny. How fun. I wish I had pastures and woods for my boys to roam. Sigh.

  12. Clearly related! Those eyes!

  13. Anna, have you thought about keeping a few chickens? Since we started keeping a few hens our tick population has declined remarkably.
    I could see you with a group of "easter egg" mix layers. Such pretty colored eggs -- all the more photography fodder!

  14. It's lovely that everyone seems so happy to have their picture taken.

  15. I think Felix looks nothing like me--yet this is my brother's son he resembles! Felix does look uncannily like my two younger brothers. Sigh. I love my family!

  16. There is definitely a resemblance between the two!

    My son had his first tick (ever) last weekend. It had already bitten him on his hip (I have no idea how it got there). He's 5 and he completely panicked. He ahd a story to tell everyone afterword!

  17. By seeing the boys names, we know how your family uses those hard to rid of Scrabble letters!!
