Thursday, July 30, 2009

In the Vintage Kitchen: Dinner on Thursday

Pork chops with apples (instead of buying chops I bought a pork loin and sliced it into very thick boneless chops--for about a third of what I would have paid for chops. This is a very easy thing to do! Pork chops were seared in a hot skillet, drizzled with balsamic vinegar, and left to simmer for about twenty minutes until done but still juicy. I cooked the apple slices in a little brown sugar and water in another skillet.)
new potatoes (should have been creamed but we love them plain and simple)
yellow squash (substituted for the green bean dish the menu called for--we had green beans last night and the squash is beautiful right now)
whole wheat bread and butter (I love this careful touch!)
salad (not in the cookbook but who cares? We want it every night!)
jelly roll (a sponge cake rolled around homemade strawberry jam, which I served with fresh figs off the tree because they're so beautiful)


  1. Looks delicious. I have some yellow squash sitting on my counter right now waiting to be cooked and I'm just not sure what to do with it.

  2. If there's one thing in this world I truly want to own, a fig tree is IT--fresh figs! Paradise!

  3. Anna - I recently found your blog, and I just love this dinner series you are doing. I've been logging in each night, just to see what you made for dinner. Your writing and pictures are beautiful.

  4. Yummm. Are the figs on your own tree? My grandma always had a tree-full in California. This makes me miss her . . . and those delicious figs!

  5. Kind Anna,

    Thank you for serving pork.

    You've made this farm family very grateful this evening...

    All's grace,

  6. We call it Swiss Roll in the UK. It's lovely with custard in the winter. I'm enjoying reading your menus this week. I've just had a baby, so our menus are very bare basics at the moment!

  7. Oh how I would love a fig tree! Your vintage dinners have been such an inspiration. Thanks for sharing!

  8. What a feast! These dinners look like such fun. It seems like a great way to get out of my cooking rut.

  9. I've never done a jelly roll cake. They say it's easy. Someday!!

  10. This looks like the best one by far. Can you do better tomorrow?


  11. Looks beautiful AND delicious.

  12. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is slightly in awe at the thought of your very own fig tree. I don't think that would grow very well in my neck of the woods. Your meals all look so yummy!

  13. Anna,

    That looks wonderful. How fun using these menus :) Beautiful presentation too!


  14. This looks like a gourmet meal in the finest of restaurants! Your pictures are book-worthy!

  15. I have enjoyed all of your dinner posts. Thursday's meal looks delicious and Tuesday's was extra yummy-especially with the beets (love them)!
    That sounds like a lovely vintage cookbook.

  16. I love jelly rolls! As a teenager I attempted one but used powdered milk instead of flour. However, I tried another one a few months ago and it came out fine. Thanks for inspiring me.

  17. This is a lovely series. I am enjoying it immensely. I hope you do this again next season!
