Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lunch at the General Store

Yesterday at the cabin we headed into "town" for our lunch.

Town just has the one business. It's a store. And a cafe. It's everything you need.

It's not country on purpose. It's just country. I love that.

Giles loved his hamburger. He's ordered this before. Every time, the waitress warns him, "Now honey, that's going to be a really big sandwich." Every time, he finishes it in five minutes. It's the one-pound burger.



  1. I love the "Velveeta" in the country store!! LOL!! Enjoy!

  2. looks so much like the shops in my Ramona, California. charm in things.

  3. i love places that just "are" just because they "are" not because they are trying to be. it is like a home. a home is a home without trying, otherwise it is just a house. your home is inspiring. thanks for the little tid bits each day.

  4. Hi. I came over through Bring the Rain, and immediately recognized Pucketts Grocery! I love that place, but live on the other side of Nashville and don't get there often. What an interesting home you must have in a school house. I look forward to checking out your blog.

    Blessings to you...

  5. OK - I just had a thought - That might not have been Pucketts - but if it's not, it looks just like it. :-)

  6. This reminds me of my childhood! Such good memories.

    Love the floors in the store.

  7. That's exactly how I've always imagined an American general store would be!
    I'm impressed with Giles' appetite! He may enjoy an Australian hamburger -- lettuce, tomato, beetroot ("beets" to you?), meat pattie, fried onion rings and a slice of pineapple.

  8. This feels like home. There is a great little general store/restaurant in most of the towns around here. Great atmosphere , great friends and great greasy burgers. Highschool kids actually get up early just so they can meet for buiscits before school each day. Good Times!

  9. Props to Giles. Food photography is not easy. My stuff usually ends up looking mildly to very repulsive.

  10. It certainly is awe-inspiring when a person can eat that in 5 minutes - !

  11. That is absolutely my kind of place.

  12. How charming is that? I love it! I wish that we had a General Store. Lunch looks great, I can't believe that Giles could 'put away" that burger, oh my!

    Have a wonderful day!

  13. Oh that looks wonderful. I love the old wood...the way it warps and becomes so much lovelier.

  14. . . .It's a store. And a cafe. It's everything you need.

    And a bait shop? (Before we moved) our own Possum Town General Store was big on pizza, groceries and bait. Appetizing! Nothing like an icy cold Coca-Cola and a deli dish full of worms.

  15. Hello,

    I stumbled upon your blog some time ago and I just wanted to tell you that I find myself in awe of the gracious life you've created for yourself and your wonderful family. I find myself comforted by the love, grace, blessings and joy of life that are so evident in your postings. Thank you for this little island of sanity.

    a fan from Canada

  16. i too came over through Bring the Rain...and immediately saw Pleasant that TN? I live there is this where you are too?? Kinda like mayberry so I was wondering if I know you?? My blog is and we too are called to homeschool our children. Several couples are being led in the same direction from our church. We are looking into curriculum right now. Any suggestions?

    In HIM,
    April Lyon

  17. Oh, what fun! I would love to visit a place like that.

  18. I love little stores like this!! My parents had one a while back... And that hamburger looks delicious and simple!

  19. nomatter where you are places like that just feel like home

  20. How fun! I know I would love a place like this in our town.
