Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Vintage Teen Dress: Simplicity 2547

Clara made this!

She did a great job and got all the major parts together . . . then she went to chamber music camp and ran out of steam. We gathered it up off the sewing table this morning and charged ahead.

Zipper. Buttonholes. Buttons. Hem.

Until all that was left to do was a photo shoot under the sugar maple.


  1. The hem is always my least favorite part. Many of my outfits are still unhemmed.

  2. Gorgeous! She is a real beauty!

  3. My 13 year old daughter is just starting to sew her own skirts this summer, and it's so fun to have a daughter at that stage! ;-) Thanks for sharing. I posted about my Dd's skirts on my Xanga blog in the last two weeks postings.

  4. Clara, you did a marvelous job! Your mother's talent appears to have been passed down. You girls are a credit to the sewing community ~ truly virtuous women.

  5. What a beautiful dress...she's done an amazing job of it.

  6. Great job. I am aiming to be able to sew so well. Is Clara's styling her hair slightly differently? Looks lovely anyway.

  7. Beautiful dress! What strikes me is how much Daisy looks like her. I can almost see how Daisy will someday look.

  8. Could your family be anymore accomplished? What talent!

  9. I love the fabric and the dress.

    I wish some of the teenager girls around here (even homeschool girls) would realize how much more lovely they would look in such a dress as opposed to what they wear -- or don't wear.

    When the teenage boys complain about their lack of modesty, you know it is not a good thing.

    The nice thing about sewing is you can find those patterns and make the dresses.

    Your daughter is a vision of beauty. :)

  10. Absolutely lovely and impressive.
    I love the pattern, the fabric and the dress.
    Clara did a great job!!

  11. oh, so beautiful! she did a lovely job!

  12. I love it! Congratulations Clara! Anna you are doing your daughter a great service by teaching her to make her own clothing!

  13. Lovely! The only thing missing is a crinoline...

  14. What an excellent job! Doesn't look *homemade* at all! And your hairstyle is very becoming, Clara.

  15. Oh my stars what a GORGEOUS job! Wonderful work, like mother like daughter! :)


  16. I would so much rather see teenage girls in lovely vintage-style dresses like Clara's than in the current fashions.

  17. It is a beautiful dress!! I have some old 50's patterns... this inspires me to get going on them!
    Well done =)

  18. Clara looks so beautiful and so does the dress! Great job Clara! I love the fabric choice and buttons :)

    have a blessed day!


  19. Adorable, Clara. Well done! You look so cool and fresh by the tree on a hot summer day!

  20. She did a wonderful job! Love the fabric.

  21. Wonderful job girls. It looks lovely.

  22. That is just beautiful! That's the kind of dress I like.

  23. Clever, clever Clara!! Come teach me? :)

  24. What a darling dress! Oh, how I wish I knew how to sew! I'd love to learn and then pass the skill on to my daughter. That's on my to-do list!

  25. What a beautiful dress! I wish I was able to sew that well!
    I really enjoy reading your blog. Always such lovely photos and ideas.
    God Bless.

  26. It turned out GREAT! I have not yet attempted one of the many vintage patterns I have (I got a boxful for $10 from my friend's mom, in fact, Happymom4 aka Hope Anne who commented above), but perhaps I will start, with some cheap fabric, good enough I can wear it if it turns out, but unexpensive enough that I don't have to wear it if it doesn't turn out. :-)

  27. Like Mama like daughter. I almost fainted when I read that CLARA made the dress.


    mama to 7
    one homemade and 6 adopted

  28. She looks so beautiful.
    She's a very talented young lady.

  29. So simple and lovely. The fabric and and pattern look perfect on Clara. How great that you could impart to her your love and skills when it comes to sewing.

    I've just started sewing with my oldest (who is 6), and I hope when she's Clara's age, she'll still be just as fascinated with the sewing machine as she is now (and maybe even making dresses as elegant as Clara's.)

    As always, loved catching up on your blog.

  30. Very impressive. I do not know how to sew, but would love to learn, especially after visiting your blog!

  31. How beautiful! I'm so seems like your family gets to sew a lot more than I do.
