Thursday, July 09, 2009

What Teenagers Do in the Summer

. . . just speaking out of my own experience here. . . .

They get jobs doing food photography for the state paper (requiring me to make specific pies on demand to illustrate coming articles). They run with their papa.

They go off with other teenagers and insulate houses for the elderly poor. For hours at a time, in the heat. They swim and swim.

They sew dresses from vintage patterns. They bake lots of bread. They play lots of chamber music.

They plan huge get-togethers with other families, requiring me to make lots of food and go to the lake. They watch Andy Griffith.

They head out on birding trips in the desert Southwest, too involved in the birding to call home (well, he did call once: "I made it here. Gotta go, we're after a burrowing owl!").

They make an incredible amount of laundry. They practice diving. They sing.

They hike eighty miles at scout camp. They read chapter books to Daisy.

What will they do in the winter?


  1. I think your life is fascinating. It is so very different than mine, with common threads. I will be back again, hello :)

    Maggie May

  2. Sounds like a wonderful summer to me!

  3. I enjoyed reading your blog tonight. It is so much fun making new blog friends. Hope you will stop by for a visit.

  4. What a wonderful summer. So many children are probably sitting in front of the TV or computer etc yet this is so full of fun and activity and fresh air. Just lovely.

    Julie in Australia

  5. i am a "lurker", subscriber. i read your blog but don't often comment. just wanted you to know that you inspire me toward beauty and simplicity. thank you for being an example of Philippians 4, dwelling on things that are true, lovely, etc. and contentment.

  6. LOVE this post, Anna. :) It's fun thinking about what my children will do when they are all teenagers (still a little way away!) What a fabulous list of activities.

  7. We do alot of the same things! Isn't it fun and too fleeting:-)

  8. Good list....mine are slackers!

  9. Other than the laundry, our list is completely different. Amazing how unique teens are when they are so often referred to as if they were a homogeneous clump.

    But lots of laundry and devouring enormous amounts of food, wanting to be with their friends...that's the essence of it. Sounds like a great summer!

  10. Reading this makes me want to go back to my teenage years for just a little while. What an excellent summer Anna!

  11. What a blessing for sure! Have a wonderful weekend Anna :)


  12. We're in the semi-empty nest place in life since our nineteen year old is now living near the University.

    However, he called to ask advice about a recipe and by the time he hung up, his party had been moved to our deck and I'm in the kitchen making a cake and bar cookies.

    I'm glad he still wants to entertain friends at home.

    I thought of you today as I opened my kitchen cabinets where I have favorite recipes printed out and taped. There was your Schoolhouse Coffeecake recipe. :)

  13. To answer your question as what they will do in the winter...
    Probably the same thing only with coats.
    Great kids, great parents!

  14. I can only hope for such amazing teenagers one day (my daughters are still quite small)!

    Thanks for sharing your list!

  15. What pleasantries!
    Sounds like my family.
    Everly Pleasant

  16. Just discovered your blog at the same time that my oldest daughter found it too. We think you are our kind of people! I have four grown daughters, loved to sew and smock and embroider for them. Still enjoy all the cooking and sewing for the Grands, too. And until two years ago we had the most wonderful vintage linen shop in our town and we all went crazy shopping there together about once a year. Your daughters are so beautiful and artistic. Blessings to you.

  17. Sounds like a perfect exsisitence.

  18. you are blessed and an excellent mom!

  19. The same things but with coats on!

  20. As a teen i used to eat a lot of stuff that was bad for my health .
