Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Outside Time

Outside Time: sometimes hard to squeeze in (there's so much to do in the house and it's so fun!) but always a priority. It keeps us happy and well. If Clara, whose immune system is more delicately balanced, skips a day or two of Outside Time, she gets sick, just like that.

So we run, we play croquet, we sit on the porch with books, we work in the garden, we take an umbrella out in the rain. Between that, and a big bottle of hand sanitizer, we stay out of the way of trouble.


  1. I totally agree Anna! Outside time is a priority in our family too. :)

  2. What a great reminder to get out and enjoy some fresh air! I love your phrase, "more delicately balanced"... what a sweet and loving way to express what others might consider frailty or weakness.

  3. Oh yes indeed, some time outside is so important each and every day. In our new shop I can eat lunch in the sun which is lovely and also beneficial.

  4. I completely forget to go out and enjoy the good weather, it's so rare we have it. I spend all day indoors and then go out for a run in the evening and think, why did I not come out here sooner?

  5. Dear Anna,

    I can certainly sympathize with much as I enjoy all the indoor activities there are...I just don't feel right if I can't spend at least part of my day outdoors. That's one of the many things I enjoy about home education...being able to take a blanket and a snack and go sit by the water to work on lessons if the mood strikes us...which it often does!
    By the way, love the print in Clara's dress! Have a wonderful day!

  6. Sound advice! I try to do this too, but it definitely gets difficult during the dreary months of February and March in Ohio. I'm glad it's April now!

  7. 1. Ditto what donna rae said!
    2. Can I come and play croquet with you ladies???

  8. I completely agree. There's a lot to be said for good food, good rest, and being outdoors as much as possible. Definitely keeps us going!

  9. Agreed! We've had days straight of very miserable weather, so I am looking forward to opening the door and letting the children woosh past me in an effort to catch the sunshine and warm breezes that are coming our way Friday and Saturday. My son was given a sand sifter that he's been waiting so patiently to try out in his sandpile since last weekend!

  10. I have very fond memories of croquet with my grandparents in Florida! We'd finish up playing and then sit under the tree to cool down. Very heated battle. ;o)
