Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Butterfly Bunting

My thrifted butterflies made the perfect autumn bunting strung on fishing line and looped across the front of a big cabinet. I love how the crocheted versions are doing exactly what they real ones do at this time of year--following each other in a line from north to south over our land as they migrate to Mexico.

I'm not a crocheting expert, and have never actually made a granny square, but these don't look too complicated. They are put together with two squares wrong sides together down the butterfly's body--the front of each square being bigger than the back, and they're stitched to a pipe cleaner in the middle.

If anyone knows how to make these, and wants to share the pattern, I'd love to hear from you.


  1. They look like this one. I found it on this website. My girls and I are waiting for some monarchs to emerge from their chrysalises and just might try making a few of these while we wait! Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Anna I fell in love with your butterflies when I first saw them. So I rummaged the internet and here is the pattern I used. I used 2 colors instead of the one colorway. Also I did not sew them so the wings would be free. They were simple to make, considering I had never read a crochet pattern before. I just pulled them out and currently they are awaiting a home for the fall.


  3. These look pretty close, Anna. I used to make crocheted butterflies when I was a girl, but I dn't remember exactly what I did. :^)


  4. It looks like a standard granny square for the first two rows but on the third row, one half is done in hdc or dc and the other is done in dc or trc. (I guess it doesn't matter too much as long as there is a visible difference.)Then when the smaller end is stitched to the pipe cleaner, it's pulled together just a little bit. This enhances the "big end, little end" look. A little experimenting should work and it sure wouldn't take long! I may have to work up some of these myself!

  5. How sweet! They really don't look like they'd be that hard to make. I have a girlfriend that I'm going to ask her about it. How cute would some of those be in softer colors and as a baby mobile?

  6. I knitted a few dish towels and did the same thing with a pipe cleaner. I love finding and making great finds like these:)

  7. I knitted a few of these well..something like these:)What a great idea and a great find!!

  8. These must make you happy every time you walk by.

    Beauty found in the simple things.

  9. They are very pretty, I can't help you with the pattern though...I do appreciate the suggestions left in the comments. I'll be looking up these patterns and when I finish my current knit project, I may attempt to make some of these.
