Monday, October 25, 2010


Oh my. They make Footies in Daisy's size. She's been longing for them ever since she outgrew the 3T's several years and many inches ago.

Thank you, Lands End. You make school so cozy.


  1. Nothing as sweet as a kid in footies!

  2. I have seen some very large girls footie jammies at Target...

    My two year old was delighted when she discovered her jammies had "shoes". Now when I put them on her she calls out, "Shoes! Shoes!"

    I am so glad you were able to find some for Daisy. They are so warm and cozy.

  3. Now 'Footies' in your size are something to be thankful for!

    And so is doing 'School' in your jams :)

  4. My 5 year old loves his footie jammies in the winter too! He has some lovely ones waiting for him that I found at the thrift store this past spring for him to grow into and wear this winter once it's cold enough!

  5. Daisy does look very cozy. I too love Lands End.

  6. My kids all love footies too! Walmart actually has them sometimes, but I think my nine year old son may now be in the largest size. I grab them whenever I see them. :^)

  7. My children call these "ice-skating jammies" because they skate around our floors in them, making noise all the way. They love them!!!

  8. Yes, Tracy, Target does have very large footie pj's - I know because my very tall teenage daughter decided to try them on in the store over her clothes. Between giggle fits I got a picture to prove the point. But, footie pj's are much cuter on smaller children. Your pic brought back a lot of memories. I can almost hear the soft scraping sound those plastic feet make on the floor...

  9. Ah, beautiful. :) A friend recently gave me lots of boy jumpsuits (that's what we call them in Australia :)) - up to size 5! So my two little men are cozy and snug now too. Pity we're just coming into Summer...
    We're all set for next Winter!

  10. They actually make footies in adult sizes too....I know because my best girlfriend used to have some, when she was 16!

    Very cute pic. I fear that I always hated them, as I have perpetually hot feet. I remember begging my mother to cut the feet our of my sleepers when I was later.

  11. That's a nice photo. Not having been homeschooled myself, I was brought up short by the idea that one can "attend" school in one's jammies. What a thought!


  12. How sweet! What fun pj's!

  13. Yep--target has them in large sizes (read up to Boy's and Girl's size 16). As a short lady, I can fit in the girl's size 16 ones. :-) My son gets excited every fall as we turn on the furnace and pull out the footie jammies (he's 9 now).

  14. Carter's carries them, too. I got a pair of frog footies for my almost 4 year old daughter, and she's dying to wear them, but it hasn't been cold enough yet. Daisy, as usual, looks adorable. And Lands End is awesome - I found Labrador shoes for my daughter there last year.

  15. Welcome back to blogging! One of my friends let me know and I "ran" right over to catch up. I loved reading all your new posts.
    My children all like footie pj's as well. We can find them at Target sometimes. Even my 12 and 13 year old boys wear them (don't tell)......

  16. Oh! Thank you for posting this! I love footies! My parents called them zoot suits (no idea why; they are nothing like actual zoot suits, I think they just liked the catchiness of the name) and somehow managed to keep us in them until we were in late elementary school! They are so, so cosy! Time to stock up for my boy, who is 3.5 but barely stretching out of his 2Ts.

  17. Sweet. My kiddos love footies too. Target carries them all the way to size 14-16 Youth. :-)

  18. Last year I actually found them to fit my 10 year old son - he was thrilled, since it had been years since he got to wear footies. As a homeschool grad. myself, I can attest to the joys of going to school in ones footies!

  19. I found some 4T and 5T footies at Kohl's a few weeks ago. My 4 year old insisted she match her 1 year old sister :)

  20. Target does carry them in bigger sizes, as well as Children's Place. My daughter is a big fan, also, and she's 8 this year! Love these from Land's End.
