Friday, October 14, 2011

A Brown Floral Bungalow Apron: Anne Adams 4674

I believe this fantastic housedress pattern lives up to my bungalow apron ideals, although it dates from the 1940s and not the 1920s. But look--loose fitting and drawn in at the waist with ties, slips over the head, simple cut, roomy for housework, the works.

Quick to sew and comfortable to wear, too, with no closures (those buttons are just for show, thank goodness because they each weigh half a pound).

It's from one of my favorite vintage pattern companies, Lanetz Living, who always has well-priced goodies and excellent service.


  1. So cute!!! Love the pink and brown!


  2. This is new to me, a bungalow apron. I'm looking for more info on the internet and so far it sounds as though it originated as a 'house dress'. People certainly changed clothes a lot in the past, didn't they?

  3. That is so pretty!

    Pink and brow together always reminds me of neopolitan ice cream.

  4. Simply lovely!! Oh that ladies would return to such tasteful pieces in their wardrobe!

  5. The ruffles! You'll look very pretty as you zip around doing your chores.


  6. I really love those buttons, and on that sweet!

  7. I LOVE this - so so pretty and useful!
