Saturday, February 11, 2012

Some Good News for Clara

Clara suspected this was coming, having outscored Felix last year. I think she takes some satisfaction in that. Her studying may be motivated 90% by the love of learning, but the other 10% is the desire to lead the class!

She got accepted by her first choice college last month, and is planning to double-major in music and literature. I'm watching her peruse book after book about orchestration and conducting--she says those conducting electives all look really interesting . . . .

She's going to love college!


  1. Good for Clara! There's nothing wrong with enjoying a little healthy academic competition....and I felt like a kid in a candy shop when I read my college's course catalog. I know she feels the same way. What a treat, what a luxury, what a blessing, to pursue an education!

  2. Warm congratulations to Clara!!!

    I remember well that one of my biggest motivators in my high school and college years was a desire to beat my brother (who is two years older than me). ;-)

    I am sure that Clara will be a great success in whatever she pursues!

  3. Congratulations to Clara! What happy and satisfying news. She will, of course, love college. The excitement of all the riches before her - it is such a special time. Thank you for letting us share in the joy!

  4. Having a goal and focus is great to see. My son is the same and is just about to start veterinary science at university this year.
    Congratulations to Clara.

  5. Congratulations to Clara. To make it into her first choice school is quite an accomplishment these days ... the competition is tough!

  6. Clara I am delighted for you! Congratulations and my very best wishes.

  7. So happy for Clara! Another one leaving the nest Anna.

  8. Well done! :-) that's great news.

  9. Congratulations to her. Your children have 'success' written all over them.

  10. So Clara is not attending a residential high school as your boys did?
    Congratulations to Clara! (I, too, had the aim when I completed high school to outdo my big brother!)

  11. Great job, Clara! Congratulations on your National Merit ranking and on the college acceptance. Those both take a lot of hard work and dedication.

  12. Good job! College is a kick in the pants, especially when you get to read stories for homework.

  13. Hooray! I am just finishing my last semester as a music major (I was planning on English & music, but a desire to explore more classes and not stick to the degree requirements led to just music). I hope Clara has a great time.

    I enjoy looking in on your blog from time to time, for sewing & baking inspiration. Thanks!

  14. I would love to know what you have presented to colleges for your children after homeschooling them. Is it SAT scores? High school transcripts? How have you shown that they are finished?

  15. Great news for Clara!

    I can't believe my son is now a Senior at the University. He's been around a 3.7 overall and a 3.9 in core Computer Science curriculum.

    I tell him to remind the administrators that they were hesitant about admitting a homeschooler to the School of Science. ;)

    It is just so much fun to watch them follow their "bent" and blossom into the young woman and man God intended.

  16. Katie, only Felix went off to high school. Giles and Clara both lived at home at ages 15-16 and attended our local university. Clara goes to class there full-time this year. The residential high school was not right for her, as it would have limited her access to her cello teacher and to her orchestra, where she is first chair.

    Laura, we've found that across the board, colleges have designed application routes for homeschoolers. Depending on what your educational path has been, you'd document it different ways. Also, admissions offices have been uniformly welcoming to our homeschooled kids. It's just not that unusual these days!

  17. I second what Anna says about the position of home schoolers with universities these days. My daughter was home schooled up to high school. She and several others in the same situation are now in Ivies.

    Well done, Clara!!!

    Woo hoo!

  18. congratulations Clara!

    deb meyers

  19. Congratulations! All of your children are incredibly talented. Hats off to guiding parents and great God!

  20. Congratulations Miss Clara! I wish you nothing but success in all aspects of your life. Hugs to you Anna! By the way, I got my cast off and am now in a boot.

  21. Congratulations to Clara, and thank you for sharing this happy news! :-)

  22. Congratulations Clara! College is a wonderful and special time, my dearest friends are the ones I lived with in college, enjoy the adventure!

  23. Hurray for Clara! And thanks to all your family for being such excellent examples of what homeschoolers can be.

  24. Conducting! How interesting!


  25. So happy to hear this excellent news! I know a bit about homeschooling and then getting your child into college as we are doing that with our first born (local college for now) but I'm unsure about the awared Clara (and Felix) got. Did you have to help her apply for that some how or ?? Thanks for answering my question if you can! ;-)

  26. To be eligible for the National Merit scholarship your student has to take the PSAT their junior year. We did this at the local high school. The semifinalists are identified from those scores their senior year, and they take the SAT before December to attempt to become finalists.

    With our first, Giles, I didn't recognize his junior year until he was past it, so we didn't do the test. Oh well.
