Friday, November 30, 2012

Bella Writing a Paper

I love that even though she's full-grown she crams herself into the little black rocking chair by the fire when she has to think hard.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Peppermint Taffy

I can't resist the urge this year to display candy--it started before Thanksgiving even (but just with a golden color scheme). Now I've moved on to white with flecks of red. Peppermint.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November Roses

My step-mother brought these over on Thanksgiving; they grow in her sheltered sunny courtyard.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Last Hour of Snow Day Log Cabin Quilt, Finished

Like a snow day here in the South, this ascetic black and white makes just the rare appearance in my sewing room.

It's just as refreshing as real snow though. I very much enjoyed piecing this quilt, and my mother enjoyed quilting it, and praised the lack of bulky fabrics (makes her job much easier).

 There's a lot of floppy linen in it, some fine wool suiting, and some gorgeous vintage cotton. It's in my etsy shop. Buy it before the snow flies!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Frederick Has a Bath

If only you could see Frederick have his bath. It happens exclusively during the vacuuming--I suspect he thinks the noise covers his bath sounds and keeps him safe.


Like the circus man who dives from a high platform into a tiny bucket, Frederick plunges down into the water cup from above.

To the extent he can, he throws water all over himself while keeping his feathers outstanding. He triples in size.

 Water gets all over the floor, and I hardly need to add, it's funny.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Peaceful, at the Cabin

I keep a mental list of ways to be a good mother-in-law/grandmother when my time comes, and high on that list is being flexible about holidays.

The Composer and I have long enjoyed our own parents' understanding as we've balanced two sets of grandparents (or more!) and a large family of our own.

So, we always go to Grandpa's cabin *after* Thanksgiving for our time with them. November is beautiful there: the river is clear, the grass is golden, and the light is always flawless in that little valley.

The boys always find something dangerous to do--walk on high fallen trees, float out in the cold water on a rotting log. Fun, right?

We crossed the bridge to get on the big hiking trail and up into the beech grove, so beautiful. Rosy leaves still on the trees, and those silver trunks.

Daisy's kind of fierce right now (David's influence)

and also she put ferns in the back pocket of her white velvet pants tied with a polka dot bow.

Perfect field.

Music on the porch: guitar, banjo, and (wait for it) . . .

ukele from Grandpa!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Lovely, Lovely Thanksgiving

So much good cooking (with good cooks)--we served eighteen people

at two tables in the dining room.

Giles and Felix brought me gorgeous foliage and berries, and Daisy added little birds and butterflies here and there.

My oldest brother napping on the floor--I love that he feels at home here still--we grew up here together.

My mother brought all the pies and rolls, which is why I always feel that Thanksgiving work is no big deal.

Beautiful pie crew--doesn't Owen look like he could be my own? He belongs to my brother.

Room for so many people I love.

"Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love . . . for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."
(Psalm 107: 7-9) 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ready for Hungry People

Sourdough bread, white bread for dressing, chocolate chip cookies, marscapone-honey sweet rolls, blackberry coffeecake, cornbread; and in the fridge: cranberry sauce, chicken broth, and a vat of chili. Bring on the big kids. And Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Alabama Studio Style: Ocean Circle-Spiral Appliques

Starting a new Alabama Chanin dress on genuine Alabama Chanin jersey in Turquoise. The thrift store yielded four tee shirts in toning aquas and pale blues.

I'm layering on the circle-spiral appliques generally from the hem up, dark to light, in a vague ombre reference. It's fun.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Pretty Bathroom for Bella

Remember back in the spring when we started our bathroom renovations? It's taken until now to get the girls' upstairs bathroom finished. Life, and work, and wallpaper gum slowed us down.

I'm lucky to be married to a perfectionist (I haven't always seen things that way!) so although I had to wait, it was worth it to have his wonderful painting skills brought to bear on this little room.

Bella chose the paint (Benjamin Moore's Bath Salts) with confidence; we didn't even buy a quart to test it, she was so sure, and it is surely beautiful. Hard to capture in this south-facing room with lots of golden light at this time of year; it's a beautiful pale blue-green-gray. We balanced it with a white wall behind the sink and toilet.

I had found a wonderful peeling metal shelf unit to hang on the wall over the potty, and a thrift store cabinet to keep all the bathroom supplies in, near the window.

A white cyclamen from Lowe's for under $4, a paperdoll collage my mother made, 

 a watercolor self-portrait I did years ago (I'm holding baby Bella in the picture); my mother's ancient Steiff owl, bill-less and beloved,

 and even Bella's chocolate brown robe on the back of the door, in keeping with the bathroom colors.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Daisy and the Tiny Neighbor

Daisy's been reading Black Beauty, so when we go out for a walk she's harnessed up as a horse. These walks are top priority right now because of this:

  Sinnamon's five-day old kid, Claire-Beyonce (don't ask; Phyllis has to have her fun).

Daisy too.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Serviceberry, Turning Red

So awesome that this sprig of serviceberry I've had in the house for a month is turning red right here on the little table. I've never known a tree cutting to do that!

Edwardian Dress in My Shop

Edwardian-inspired ladies dress in my etsy shop!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Autumn Garlands

Hanging up my little autumn bits--this year I just draped the barn owls right on the branch that holds my chandelier drops. Pretty straightforward. They're like drops themselves.

For today I like the butterflies in the dining room window, picking up the orange of the last of the sugar maple leaves.

I've got to find a pattern for these beauties. They deserve to be made out of wool.