Saturday, November 24, 2012

Peaceful, at the Cabin

I keep a mental list of ways to be a good mother-in-law/grandmother when my time comes, and high on that list is being flexible about holidays.

The Composer and I have long enjoyed our own parents' understanding as we've balanced two sets of grandparents (or more!) and a large family of our own.

So, we always go to Grandpa's cabin *after* Thanksgiving for our time with them. November is beautiful there: the river is clear, the grass is golden, and the light is always flawless in that little valley.

The boys always find something dangerous to do--walk on high fallen trees, float out in the cold water on a rotting log. Fun, right?

We crossed the bridge to get on the big hiking trail and up into the beech grove, so beautiful. Rosy leaves still on the trees, and those silver trunks.

Daisy's kind of fierce right now (David's influence)

and also she put ferns in the back pocket of her white velvet pants tied with a polka dot bow.

Perfect field.

Music on the porch: guitar, banjo, and (wait for it) . . .

ukele from Grandpa!


  1. Perfection! Family, flexibility, and good home-grown music : ) Happy Thanksgiving! Your pictures are so uplifting : )

  2. Sigh such beauty and serenity - even dear Daisy's fierceness is beautiful in its own right...tempered by the delicate fern fronds of course.

  3. I'm not surprised about the "ukele from Grandpa!" -- the Composer had to get his talent from somewhere. I am so glad to see Clara, I've been wondering how she is going at uni.

  4. The timesoutdrs are always special... Good point about grandparents' need for flexibility around holidays! I've got to remember that for when I'm a grandparent myself, one day...

  5. My in-laws were very critical people but I learned from my mother how to be a good mother-in-law (she had eight kids so she had to learn!).

    My daughter lives near Boston so she is too far away to come home. We tried it once and with five kids it did not work.

    My son was just married this spring. The newlyweds asked if her entire family could come here for Thanksgiving and we had a wonderful time and they did all the clean up.

    We had told them we could celebrate the Holidays any day and not necessarily on THE day, remembering what we went through as young marrieds. Getting the families together was their idea.

    Christmas Eve will be at our place and Christmas day with her parents and siblings. Easy arrangements. I have come to love my daughter-in-law and son-in-law as if they were my birth children.

    LOVE today's pictures and story. :)

  6. Sounds like a wonderful time. It's nice to see pictures of all 5 "children".

  7. My how your children have grown! Such a beautiful family. The ukele reminds me of my Dad so much. He would play that thing for every gathering. I miss that. Thanks for the wonderful memory!

  8. Felix' little beard looks pretty good! How they grow.


  9. Thank you for the peaceful, bright spot your blog brings to each of my days. What beautiful pictures! Would love to hear more of your Thanksgiving menu, when you have a chance...

  10. What a blessing to have a relaxing place to visit.

    I enjoyed seeing the pictures of all the kids! I've missed it as I'm sure you've missed them.

    Have a very blessed week.

  11. I am also always taking mental notes based on the example of my own excellent mother-in-law, about how to be a great mother-in-law and grandmother one day. The key seems to be this: my in-laws are always delighted to see us, but if we can't make it for whatever reason, they don't make us feel guilty at all. Which only makes us want to see them more! So it's a happy circle. Happy (belated) Thanksgiving.
