Monday, March 25, 2013

Alabama Studio Sewing + Design: Random Ruffle Stripe

This is not the first time that I've tried a simple-looking technique from Natalie Chanin's book Alabama Studio Sewing + Design and been bowled over by how fabulous it looks in real life.

Here is the random-ruffled stripe, a half-inch wide strip of jersey and appliqued onto the base fabric with a running stitch down its middle. Every few stitches, you take a couple of gathering stitches which you cinch up before sewing them down to the fabric.

It's so easy and it makes such a gorgeous textural effect in real life. Try it!


  1. And what a beautiful red!


  2. Is that really going to stay on in the wash, Anna? Do you have to be careful when laundering these dresses?


  3. I don't anticipate any problems--it's just thte same structurally as the pleated ruffles I've done. One line of stitching down the middle. These things are remarkably stable, washing doesn't bother them at all.

  4. Simply beautiful and it leaves me feeling rosy...I like that feeling:-)

  5. I love the Alabama Studio designs but I found jersey not much fun to hand sew... the needle just doesn't go through very easily. How do you deal with that?

  6. Very pretty - the color is so rich!

  7. Donaleen ~ I wonder if it's your needle? I use straw needles (size 9 or 10) and I think they sew jersey beautifully. You might also try using Thread Heaven on your thread. I haven't tried it sewing with button/craft thread, but I use it when I hand-stitch the bindings on my quilts, and it's a dream.
    Anna ~ as usual, simply gorgeous!!

  8. Well, Donaleen ~ I may have to rescind my earlier comment. I am currently sewing with some jersey that is a bugger to sew, even with my nice needles.... It's not an enjoyable stitching experience.

    Anna ~ I'm going with the random ruffle stripe on this one. If I don't abandon it all together, that is...
