Wednesday, April 03, 2013

An Extra Cat

This kitty has been coming to the back deck for weeks now to get food and attention. At first he was too skittish for words but now he flops down to get the affection. We call him Mr. Collins.

When Hobbes dies, he is to inherit the estate.


We're trying not to love him but it's hard.


  1. It's plain to see that there's an entailment involved - no wonder you call him "Mr. Collins".


  2. Oh of course you love him. He is very photogenic that Mr Collins.

  3. Mr. Collins looks like he is thoroughly enjoying your food and attention. Aw, look at those eyes :-)

  4. Ah yes there is that question of the inheritance. Just as well you sorted that out Anna. With a disposition like that Mr Collins, one would be hard pressed not to warm to you almost immediately. Even I am quite besotted already.

  5. Does he purr?
    When he starts purring, you've lost.

    Seeing him, I'd purr myself. I very often regret not being able to purr.

  6. We have an orange tabby and he is the most loving and sweet cat I have ever seen. They have great personalities! Clearly, Mr. Collins has decided you are his family. :)

    Kathy F.

  7. What a lovely extra cat you have, he's beautiful! I have a ginger boy myself and I may be biased, but I think orange kitties are the best :)

  8. With a sweet disposition like that, how could you not love him?

  9. We've had many, many cats pass through our lives (and currently have somewhere between four and five -- one of them seems to have moved in with the neighbors) and all of them have come to us unintentially -- not one did we go out and choose. And while we have (generally) loved all of them dearly, I can't help but wonder why, oh why, can't at least one of our cats look like that! (Ours tend to the very homely side -- and the sweetest one of all is the homeliest of all.) I love orange cats.

  10. Mr. Collins indeed. LOVE it. What is to become of all the young ladies when he inherits? Ah, the cruelty of an entail.

  11. My extra cat has been with me seven years now! It's good you've given Mr. Collins a name at the outset! He's gorgeous!

  12. Aw! We had a stray kitty adopt us just last week. She was a young, white with gray spots cat with light green eyes and the sweetest disposition. She loved my daughter and me the best. However, hubby is not a cat lover at all, so I found a place for her. But, if it were my decision to make, she'd be purring on my lap right now.

  13. I have inherited my youngest daughter's Christmas kitten, Noelle, and she is a doll--I've also taken in my mom's elderly, obese orange tabby, Chester, since she suffers from Alzheimer's Disease and can no longer have him. Chester is my best buddie right now! My 30 yr. old son says that there is just something special about those orange tabbies and I quite agree! Hope Mr. Collins has found permanent lodging--cats are such connoisseurs of comfort!

  14. I'm a sucker for an orange cat! He is a lovely boy, I can totally understand that you are finding it hard to resist.

  15. Does Fitzwilliam and Mr. Collins get along? Do you still have Lucy?

  16. We had a lovely gray and white cat named Hobbes (to go with our dog of 12 years, Calvin) who sadly died last month. A new kitten has since stolen our hearts and warmed our laps once again :)

  17. Ha, i just read a few more comments and thought i would also add that our new kitten was named by my children, and her name is Lucy! Crazy :)

  18. Cuter than cute! No, you will not be able to resist his charms for long. :o)

