Thursday, April 18, 2013

And a Dress for Myself: Reverse Negative Applique

Though it has a long name, reverse negative applique is a simple and thrifty technique. Simple because you just stencil your design on a scrap of fabric (no risking those dress pieces!), pin the scrap onto your garment, and stitch around the painted shapes. Thrifty because you don't need any extra yardage--just use your leftovers.

It's also much more relaxing than regular applique, since there's no finagling the little cut-out pieces together like a wiggling puzzle. Everything's on one piece of fabric until the stitching is done, then you just trim out the unwanted negative spaces. It gives a beautiful mosaic-tile effect, and is addictively wonderful.

Here I'm using one of my favorite designs from Alabama Chanin, the placement rose cut out of posterboard, working on blueberry jersey from AC, with purple screen-printing paint from Hobby Lobby applied with a kid's paintbrush. Beads to follow.


  1. I can really see in these photos the contrast of the thread - so, I guess it's not an obstacle, to not be able to match the thread. (the idea takes some getting used to)


  2. I would love to see the finished garment!, (in MD)

  3. Hi, Anna. Your dressmaking is definitely inspiring. I'm thinking of making a tee shirt using Alabama Chanin technigues. What do you think about making a pattern from a favorite tee shirt? I have one that fits just right, (except I want longer sleeves). Do you think that would work with AC fabric? Thanks.
    After that, maybe a longish dress... D/NY

  4. I think it's a great idea!

  5. Oh! I get it- when I had read it in the book, I thought it had to be a double layer garment, but now I see I can just do a patch on a panel of a skirt, stitch it and trim it! Wow! thank you! (I've been lurking a few days- I love all your details about Alabama Chanin in particular, and sewing in general.)
