Monday, July 01, 2013

Lace! It Counts As Lace!

At last I have knitted something approaching lace--a little trim on the sleeves and bottom edge of my sweater (it's the "Barton Cottage Shrug" from Jane Austen Knits). Although the rows are only 10-12 stitches long, they offer infinite opportunities to mess up, so Clara has rescued me over and over. It's so fun though, and it looks great from a distance!


  1. It's lovely, definitely counts as lace, and how delightful to have a built-in knitting coach! My 7-yr old wanted to learn how to knit and crochet this past winter, so I had to learn enough to teach her the basics. She picked it up so quickly and already her skill and memory far surpasses mine. So potentially, in a few years I may have my very own built-in knitting coach... and I would love to try knitting lace!

  2. It looks great up close, too. I also think it's awesome that your daughter helps you out. :)

  3. Nice work Anna, lovely colour too. Did you save this for when Clara would be available to supervise you?

  4. I sympathise. I could not follow a pattern to save my life. It looks pretty, so congratulations!

  5. Good for you, Anna! :D


  6. Very pretty!

    I think it's around time for Felix's birthday. I hope he had a nice one!

  7. Lovely - lace and in a great color. I love lace & I like knitting it, especially if it's a "rememberable" pattern. I wish you more, if you like!
