Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"I Shall Never Be Indifferent to Dress"

"My day for the frilly gowns of organdy and lace is over--henceforth I must wear the richer hues and materials of the matron. But I shall never be indifferent to dress. It is a very foolish woman who is--just as foolish as the one who makes it the foremost and only thing. Both are badly mistaken."

--L.M. Montgomery, The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Volume III 1921-1929


  1. Thanks for this beautiful quotation. Wise words.

  2. I was unaware of these journals Anna, you've handed me a gift across the Internet, thank you.

  3. Pajama day for me :(
    It kills me. But. Chemo. Next week will be better!

  4. Rose, I hope you can find them. They are fascinating.

    Sleen, sometimes pajamas are the right thing to do. Best wishes.
