Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Colette "Oolong" in Deep Purple Jersey

This is the Colette pattern "Oolong" which I've made up in jersey before. It's a lightweight cotton-bamboo which is good for fall because it's not hot but it looks nice and rich.

It's easy to reconfigure this pattern for a stretch fabric--just turn the pieces 45 degrees and cut them out on the straight grain. It goes together quickly . . .

 . . . and looks good with a corsage.


  1. I bought this pattern after you made your first jersey version. Do you think it could be nursing friendly with a few tweaks?

  2. Good Morning from the coast of Maine! What a lovely dress, Anna. I don't leave a comment very often, but I do enjoy stopping by your blog every so often to see what you've been creating. I am never disappointed.
    Sweet blessings,

  3. Thanks for that info, I didn't know you could do that with the pattern to make it work for a stretch jersey!

  4. willfulmina, I think the only way to do it would be to have a second bodice front that is free at the bottom that you could pull up. Not the easiest configuration.

    Rose and Laura, thanks!

    Wendy--it only works because the pattern was for a bias-cut woven fabric. The jersey has a similar stretch when it's on the straight grain. I bet you already knew that, I just wanted to make sure no one else thought you could take any old pattern, turn it 45 degrees, and cut it out in jersey!
