Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Magic for Daisy's Drawers

 On Wednesdays, we make sure that we are all caught up on putting our laundry away, and that the laundry room is empty, tidy, and cleaned.

Daisy tidies her dresser up in conjunction with this task each week. Today she decided to re-sort her dresser. I walked in halfway through, and suggested she try the method in Marie Kondo's book and get some of that life-changing magic going.

 Fold the garments neatly, and set them in the drawer *vertically*. Nothing is stacked, everything is equally visible when you pull out the drawer. Nothing to topple over, nothing to get lost at the bottom  to be left unloved.

It worked perfectly. All her hot-weather clothes are in one drawer, all her cold-weather clothes in the bottom drawer.


  1. My sock drawer too is a joy to behold. Hooray for Marie Kondo.

  2. It does work doesn't it. I read this but did not actually do, I will now.

  3. I've had my drawers like this for a long time now - LOVE IT!

  4. clever. My son was just complaining this morning that he couldn't find his navy turtleneck and I KNOW it's in his drawer. . . I will show him these tidy drawers and see if it catches on with him!

  5. That does look great. Of course, one has to have enough clothes to fill the drawer, or it might not work so well, I suppose.

  6. Wow, this is such a great idea! I had not seen it before, but am definitely off to re-organise our drawers now!

  7. We actually learned this method this past summer from Alejandra and it makes a world of difference! Also, thanks for recommending Marie Kondo's book! I bought it that day and have taken a LOT of clutter to the thrift store since then!

  8. I'm glad you posted this, Anna, because I didn't quite get what she was describing. I'm going to re-do mine.


  9. I've done this for years and it really does make it easier to choose clothing. You still have to be careful when putting laundry away, though ~ my kids aren't always great at that part ;-)

  10. What a smart idea! I look forward to reading that book next week.

  11. Lisa Beth: although she doesn't recommend buying special storage boxes, she does use shoe boxes to hold things firmly if they would otherwise float around in a big drawer. So glad I hadn't thrown out my boxes.

  12. wonderful, now to see if my 11 year old boy can manage this system. :)

  13. Lucille, that sounds like a good fix. :) The shoe boxes could also hold some of those little odds and ends that end up floating around and collecting dust on top of the dresser.
