Saturday, June 13, 2015

Hard Work, Beautiful Bouquet

A strenuous Saturday! Lots of food shopping, baking, cleaning, weed-eating, and general fluffing up of the house in preparation for Clara's college graduation party tomorrow. We also welcomed Felix home--he spent three weeks in Peru. When he got back, he finally bought himself a car. No more catching rides with friends to get home.

Then two groups of company at the end of the day--first a string quartet that stopped by to pick up Clara and rehearse the music they would all play together at a wedding. We didn't mind *that* in the living room. After they left, friends over to visit the donkeys and enjoy big bowl of peaches and blackberries.

Clara's flower arrangement above: a success!


  1. These are exciting times!
    The flowers are BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Goodness me, it seems only a year or so ago that Clara graduated from high school, in fact a quick search shows it was three years.

    I hope you have a lovely college graduation party Clara.

    Good news about Felix's car though I'm glad he didn't have to drive it all the way from Peru. ;)

  3. Exciting season in the Schoolhouse!

    Hugs and congrats,

  4. That flower arrangement is gorgeous!

    Congratulations to Clara!
