Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Report from Millenialland

My fellow believers, be encouraged, and do not believe that all is lost in Millennialland.

Around the country and the globe there are young people who stand on the revealed Word of God, whose lives are built on solid rock.

They shine like lights in the world in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.

They are teachers, social workers, veterinarians, scholars, therapists, missionaries, business people, entrepreneurs, writers, parents, scientists,

and they are holding fast to the word of life.


  1. What an encouraging word! God be praised!

  2. Yes!

    And thank you!

    I have a twenty-two year old and a nineteen year old, and they each have believing friends. It is a joy to see them all living as shining stars for the gospel in their daily school and vocational lives.

  3. Beautifully said Anna and beautifully demonstrated.

  4. Praise God!
    And bless you parents!

  5. That is encouraging, Anna.


  6. What about those of us who believe that it's entirely possible to be a decent person with high moral values (not perverse, not crooked) without believing in a higher being?

    We, too, are teachers, social workers, veterinarians, scholars, therapists, business people, entrepreneurs, writers, parents and scientists and so much more, although not missionaries.

    Does our work and the good we do not count?

    I would be disappointed to hear that that's what you think.

    A long-time reader

  7. Yes. What a blessing to have believing children ,and believing young adult children in this day and age. It truly is a blessing. Your work for Him is noticed!

  8. That is awesome! So encouraging for us all to remember. God is still calling people to faith and obedience through Jesus Christ. Let's not forget that. Let's live like we believe it!

    Barb in Nebraska

  9. I love the flowers and the sewing but I think this is now my new favorite of your posts. It IS encouraging. With a long, hot, difficult political season ahead of us and so much Bad News, I feel less burdened when I read these words.

    And I see it in my backyard the coffee shop, at the thrift store, I'm running into the millenial hipsters with their rolled jeans and glasses and their enthusiasm for Jesus. And they make me happy.

    And so does this post. Thank you.

  10. That's a nice recognition of the faith of my peers!

  11. I believe I see beautiful Bella in the photos, but why is her name not mentioned during these events? Or did I miss it? Gorgeous wedding!

  12. I believe I see beautiful Bella in the photos, but why is her name not mentioned during these events? Or did I miss it? Gorgeous wedding!

  13. A resounding amen to that! There's hope! Thank you Anna!

  14. Encouraging words, indeed.
    It does seem that more and more younger adults are seeking beauty, tradition and truth which the world does not give.
    Hope increases every time I hear or know of another young person who is holding fast to their faith while bravely facing a secular culture that must seem like an alien planet - I thank God for them and for that faith.
    Thank you for this reminder, dear Anna, and for your witness to the same.

  15. We need to hear this. There are a lot of young people living for Christ and living it out. : ) Thank you!

  16. Thank you *so very much* for this post. I NEEDED to read that today. I keep hearing about so much darkness and terribleness and this was a reassuring breath of fresh air. I think I need to take a Facebook fast....

  17. Amen, Anna. As one of those of whom you speak, thank you for the reminder that we don't stand alone. Tho it is hard to find others like me.

  18. Anonymous, of course Good Work is Good Work! I was speaking about faith. Hoping that someday you'll join me there :)

    Isabella, of course Bella was there! She was a beautiful bridesmaid. She did miss the first day, since she flew in later (couldn't skip two days of summer classes, you know how they are). I kind of envied her NOT driving for four days total . . . on the other hand, I don't want to be studying Anatomy and Physiology in the summertime.

  19. What a pleasant breath of needed fresh air. As the mother of two millenials I so appreciate this post!

  20. Beautiful and encouraging post.

  21. A resounding Amen to that! Through my church, work, my own children (too young to be millennials) and my nieces and nephews who ARE millennials, I know scads of young people, and they are rather more likely to be valiant and stalwart in the Lord than not. Living as I do in the godless West, which remains the most unchurched population in the country, for me to be able to say that is something! The Lord is with them, and they seek Him, indeed. Thank you for this good word!

    Mary in WA

  22. Thank you for this. As one who gets ready to see her first leave for college soon, I am encouraged. Hope is something I never want to lose.....

  23. As a Christian millennial THANKYOU for your encouragement, blessings and prayers. We need them and are much appreciated.


  24. Thank you for those words of holy encouragement.

  25. Amen, sister. Amen! Also, thank you for sharing the beautiful wedding photos!

  26. We were always taught in my convent school that despair was a sin and an offence to God. How could you despair of the world, it's an insult to our Father who loves us so much. We need to trust Him. He has everything in His divine hands with his own purpose. We just need to do our bit as His children to support Him by our example and our prayers and leave the rest to Him.

    As for Bella she really is a beautiful girl. She reminds me of Byrons's poem:

    She walks in beauty as the night
    Of cloudless climes and starry skies
    And all that's best of dark and bright
    Meet in her aspect and her eyes

    I hadn't realised until I saw the group photo, how petite she is, especially noticeable in such a tall family, she's like a little flower fairy!


  27. Amen that!

    Run on, millenials!


  28. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

  29. Amen! Thank you for the millenial report!

  30. I love this Anna. And the wedding was so beautiful.

  31. What a beautiful, beautiful post. Thank you for the encouragement you bring to a young mom like me who is living for the Lord, homeschooling my little brood (6,4, and 1yr!), and daily hearing that the world thinks I'm way off base. Faith and homeschooling and indefinitely leaving behind a career outside the home are not at all popular here in Chicago...but when I open your letters to us, I really feel like I can do this. I can go against the flow of my town's culture. Thank you.

  32. Let's be clear: the crooked and perverse generation is our own, and own that we must. At our feet are innocent and enemy killed in wars and military actions, including the increasingly popular extrajudicial killings by proxy (drone). At our feet are the extrajudicially imprisoned and tortured. At our feet is the judicially sanctioned slap of the wrist for the privileged who rape. It's the Millennials who get what scripture offers as a countercultural revelation: love is greater than fear.

  33. I love this! We have three children in "millenialland" and their love for the Lord and life choices give me hope. By God's grace, that will continue.

  34. Vija, I would say that every generation is a crooked and perverse generation, and at the same time each of us is invited to carry Jesus' light forward with us.

    1. Yes, I agree, Anna. May that light today illuminate our own shadows, including the corners of fear populated by those who have been seen as 'other' and sinful for that difference. Each generation has its own list of who inhabits those corners. Often it is there that words like 'perverse' are applied - in the blind spots, precisely where our own light has failed to reach. Each generation needs the prophetic light of the one that follows. Today's young believers carry the light of equality with a uniqiue passion.

  35. Amen to your post, Anna! As a mom of millenials, it's what I pray for my own. :)

  36. I agree with your response to Vija, Anna. And thanks for the encouraging post. :)

  37. I'm just now catching up on reading this last week of your wedding posts. We've been on vacation at home while our "Millenial" son and daughter-in-law and two grandsons came to stay with us. It is the same thing we see in giving thanks to God that he is following the Bible and living a life pleasing to God, serving as a Middle School teacher. We had a wonderful time observing how he is now a Dad and the joys, and trials, of caring for his own family! Again, thank you for sharing, there is hope!

  38. Another Millennial here, no faith in God whatsoever, but doing great works out of the love of Humanity and Nature. In my family we are doctors and teachers. You would be glad to know us, too, I think. With respect, and without avarice or arrogance.

  39. i needed to read this... thank you.
