Monday, November 28, 2016

A Weekend Like I Never Had Before

My head is still spinning a little from this weekend. First, Thanksgiving dinner for thirty-one. Then houseguests started to roll into town, I don't even know how many people I was cooking for, and then we hosted a giant party on Saturday night in honor of Giles and Tia and Felix and Molly. That was dinner for a hundred (I picked the meat up from the barbecue joint).

A dozen or so of the young adults spent the night and had breakfast and sat in with their instruments for our church worship service, and then slow drains at the stone house meant I had to rearrange everyone's sleeping plans and wash countless sheets yesterday and today. Oh my.

Giles and Tia and her parents (they are so, so dear! the best!) headed home today. We get Molly for one more day, although we haven't seen her in hours, she and Felix are out shopping for a wedding band . . . .

And I didn't even take a picture.


  1. Fun times...crazy, but these days make the best memories :-)

  2. Oh Anna, thats so funny 'I don't even know how many people I was cooking for'!! What makes it all the funnier is that it's so unlike you. I'm sure however that even your version of red faced and flustered is outwardly calm and beautiful :)) Angela

  3. oh my garsh, it sounds wonderful and exhausting! I know there are busy times when I can hold up my end of things with grace and joy, but no I cannot cannot cannot get a photo or put my mind backwards to blog about it! So I understand even though I'd love more details on HOW it all got done :)

  4. sounds like and let the warm memories occupy you bigtime for at least a few minutes. Congratulations, Anna. This is one of those times you and your family will rehash many times over many years, I'm thinking.

  5. Oh my goodness, you are a wonder!

  6. But what wonderful memories were made!
    The best for me when I have my family here or we visit them is when we are in church together brings the tears to my eyes every time!

  7. Well Anna, over the years you've had so many house guests, large parties of people over for meals, you must expect to keep getting stretched! It seems like you are always stretching. But I don't envy you this past weekend!
    Aren't they getting married soon? Afterward, you can collapse. :D


  8. full lives = full hearts.
    how very wonderful.
    hoping you have a moment or 2 to rest.
