Thursday, November 30, 2017


A few weeks ago a tiny, teenincey (as we say in the South) kitten showed up on the back porch. He was almost too small to eat crunchy cat food. But he kept at it manfully.

We are not keeping him. We are not keeping him. But we feed him twice a day (breakfast at 7:00 a.m., tea at 4:00 p.m.) just like we do Mr. Collins, the dignified ginger tabby that's been hanging around the porch for a couple of years.

We're still not keeping him, but since Daisy has initiated him into the pleasures of petting and lap-sitting,  it looks like we're going to be able to get him to the vet for a fixing and some shots. I think that battle has been won.


  1. Well, I suppose you're not keeping him, but he's just a mite, and winter is coming on, in the South where it surely doesn't get too cold but you assure me that it does. So, what will the little one do? I mean, you're not keeping him, I guess. But he has no mother to care for him. Can he manage on his own? Because I imagine you're not keeping him.

    Maybe Mr. Collins will take him to Rosings now and then. He can sleep in a shelf in one of the closets.


    But, have you thought about keeping him?

  2. You know, when you're an animal lover, you just have to let your heart win you over sometimes. We have had many pets and some of the most loving were those we said we weren't going to keep, but did. I loved the link to Mr. Collins that showed up at the end of your post. He is beautiful!

  3. Haha, these kittens are so hard to resist.
    Have a wonderful day.

  4. Not keeping him? Good luck with that one! 😊

  5. Ah yes. We told Tall Cat we weren't keeping him but still he insists on calling at the kitchen window and strolling in for a sleep on the chaise longue. How many years ago was that now?

  6. I have a pet stray, she won't come near us or into the house, but is happy to laze they days away on our deck or outdoor furniture, and turns up for food twice a day. We've been feeding her for a year now.

    You will soon have quite the little zoo - is Daisy going to be a vet or farmer?

  7. Aww, you must keep the handsome little boy kitten. You know you want to.

  8. How did he get the name Pickles? You have such names to delight every Austenite (aka Fitzwilliam and Mr. Collins) but he is named after a food?
