Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Katrina Refugees Have Come to Town

I can't get over the fact that these people are my *neighbors*. By Sunday we had heard that there were evacuees in town and around town, staying in churches, motels, church camps, and private homes. We rounded up a Suburbanful of stuff--clothes, towels, duffel bags, toilet paper, paper towels--to take to the community center, where workers were processing incoming folks. It was a little humbling to see the enormous pile of "extra" gleaned so easily from our closets--we take such abundance for granted.

A relief today to finally be able to do something personally for these displaced people. Daisy, Bella, and I went to town and got signed up to mentor a refugee family. In the next few days we will be assigned a family to befriend--driving them around, taking them shopping, to the DMV for a driver's license, to get food stamps, etc.

St. Teresa of Avila: "Christ has no body on earth but yours. No hands but yours, no feet but yours. You are the eyes through which He is to look out His compassion to the world, yours are the feet with which He is to go about doing good, yours the hands with which He is to bless now."

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