Monday, November 21, 2005

Bulb Work

I spent much of my weekend in the flower garden. I was trying to dig up all the perennial weeds that had crept in, but ended up multi-tasking, as my spade was frequently running into massive clumps of daffodils that needed to be divided anyway.

Several years ago I did a large planting of Ice Follies narcissus, and they have multiplied extravagantly. Every spot where I planted 3-5 bulbs is now loaded with 20-30, badly in need of some legroom. So I would weed for awhile, unearth many many bulbs, divide the clumps, and then stab hopefully for a blank spot to plant them.

These flowers are beautiful in the spring. I especially like them when the sun is getting low and shines through the blooms at the end of the day.

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