Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Book Review: The Family Home

I've had Joanna Copestick's The Family Home on my inspiration shelf for several years and pull it out every few months to drool over. The photographs are of real homes and families, which is nice, and I enjoy the five or six sections distributed through the book where she profiles a family in more detail, with lots of photos. Especially the ones with Aga stoves (everyone's English).

This is a decorating book that's honestly geared towards setting up a delightful home with children, unlike so many others. The author even offers her suggestions on what to make children for supper. This is a substantial, glossy hardback book that's available used for very little. Well worth it!


  1. Oh wow, I found this book at the local library a couple of months ago and am constantly renewing it. It's a treat to dip into as I dream of creating the ideal family spaces for my home. I love the idea of his and her armchairs and bookcases in a well-lit room opening into a beautiful garden.pg.136

  2. yeah, I'm just now tracking it down on ebay. Thanks for the great tip! My library has a really cool, also British, book about family life with real families. I'll try to remember to get the title/author for you because it's also great inspiration!

  3. I LOVE this decorating book. I have many decorating books, but this is my absolute favorite! In fact, my copy is quite tattered as I've looked at it so many times.

    Rie (who has been enjoying reading the archives)
