Saturday, November 25, 2006

Red-Tailed Hawk

Another sunny, leisurely day--we had a birding outing this morning at a wildlife refuge in some hardwood bottomlands at the river. Felix informed us that we could expect to see birds of prey, ducks, and geese.

As back-up fun I took my knitting along.

Giles took pictures. Daisy ran around.

Our big sighting of the day was spectacular. This is a juvenile red-tailed hawk sitting on a fencepost not thirty feet from us. We got as close as we could without scaring him, and Bella got him to turn his head and look at us by making squeaky mouse noises.

Daisy cooed respectfully, "Oh, an owl!"


  1. awesome!
    i love those types of days.

  2. Cheryl--

    Thanks for your kind words! I am indeed blessed. God is so good.
