Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Scrubbing the Kitchen

My children, though initially reluctant, have become masters of speedy kitchen scrubbing. Tuesday is our day to thoroughly clean this room, and we have got it down to about fifteen minutes (not including the inside of the refrigerator or the ovens). In fifteen minutes we:

•dust and windex all seven light fixtures
•dust the walls and ceilings
•scrub the stovetops, stove fronts, and vent hood
•clean the microwave inside and out
•deep-clean the countertops
•wipe down the outside of the fridge and pantry door
•wipe down the inside of the compost cupboard and change the newspaper under the bucket
•vacuum very thoroughly
•and then clean out the sinks.

This only works when everyone has a good attitude--otherwise some of my energy gets diverted into being annoyed with grumpy teenagers. But today everyone managed to be cheerful, and we sped right through.


  1. Your kitchen must be a beehive of activity during that quarter hour! Thank you for this glimpse into your well organized home life!

  2. Anna,

    How do you make the dot that is next to each item on your list? I've been wanting to use it but don't know the html code.


  3. Mrs. B-

    That's option + 8 on my Mac. Wow do I feel smart!! No one ever asks me computer questions--everyone who knows me knows better!


  4. Mrs. B, the HTML code is < ul > to begin the list, and then < li > for each bullet, removing the spaces of course.

  5. "•deep-clean the countertops" What does this involve? Steam cleaner? Bleach?? I'm always fascinated since I was raised by total slobs and am still trying to master keeeping a nice home.

  6. Wow, well good for you. I can relate when you talk about attitudes, we have 4 daughters and they are so dramatic about helping out. When they do help, they do a beautiful job, and I so appreciate it. BUT haven't gotten it down to 15 min yet.

    I just love your blog, I have been lurking here for about 6 months, and find myself here dailey. I have just started my own blog, there are so many things tolearn still.

    Blessings beautiful,

  7. LOL Anna! (o;

    Thanks so much Laura! (o:

  8. Great list and Great time! I too am a homeschooler of teenagers. It is nice to find a blog with someone who has children in that age bracket. So many blogs are dedicated to homeschoolers of elementary children.

    I read your profile. Living in an old school??? You will not believe, but I was actually looking for an old school to do just that before we bought our home but with no luck. Do you have any pics to share.

    I'm glad I stumbled across your blog and will be back often.


  9. Wow! I think that must mean you are all running around like crazy! How do you keep from bumping into each other? lol.

    ~Amelia :)

  10. What wonderful children! I can't wait until I have helping hands :)

  11. Very nice job in training your children! (Remember all children once in a while!)

  12. I love the crunch time on cleaning. It makes it more like a challenge to conquer.

  13. What do you mean by the compost cupboard? I keep my kitchen scraps to be composted in a tupperware canister that has a very tight closed lid but out..not in a cupboard...why need for newspaper under..in case of spill? I love your blog.

  14. I LOVE your blog! It is a source of inspiration to be more organized. Thank you for sharing all your helpful ideas. I also really enjoy all your colorful and beautiful pictures.
