Monday, July 23, 2007

"The Emotional Comfort of Home Cooking"

"Cooking at home links your past and future and solidifies your sense of identity and place. . . .

The emotional comfort of home cooking for children is something every parent discovers. Sharing meals with the children in the privacy of your home, reinforces your authority and beneficence in their eyes and helps increase their trust and pride in you and your abilities. You have the skill and knowledge to offer them good things; you take time and trouble for them."

--Cheryl Mendelson, Home Comforts


  1. I've had this book for years and this quote seems new to me. I should re-visit it. Thank you for the inspiration!

  2. I love this book of Cheryl's and now have to start on her Laundry book. That's a great quote and I agree totally with it. We are in debt reduction mode, and also getting healthier habits started, so we're eating out MUCH less than we used to - and even the days when I don't feel like cooking, I still enjoy the comforts of being home better than going out. Now that's a positive change for me!

  3. I love her book Anna! Thank you for posting this quote. It makes me want to go whip something up...:-)


  4. Lovely. Cooking for my family is a delight. I find such joy in it...It also releases my creative desires...very much like art does.

  5. I am just learning to cook, and I'm enjoying it, even though I'm frustrated. My mother's idea of preparing meals was to open the can and put it in the microwave. It was after my husband and I adopted our son that I realized how important it was to cook good meals at home. So, at 35 years old, I'm trying to figure out how to julienne carrots. :-)
