Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Look what I have!! A serger! A hand-me-down from my handy neighbor Phyllis, computerized screen and all. Giles and I tried on our own to get it up and running, but as they say, who can figure out such devices? I ended up taking it to the sewing machine center to be cleaned and threaded.

I'm getting a little more comfortable with it, having serged the side seams of a little flannel robe for Daisy (oh, she looks cosy in it!). So I've cut out a bigger project to work on--don't be shocked, but it's a vintage fifties housecoat for Bella.

I am proceeding with caution, but things are looking good.


  1. I think this is the next natural step in your ever-increasing skill as a seamstress. Congratulations!

  2. lucky ducky, i have a serger too... on my christmas wishlist !

  3. Anna, this is the perfect post for me to ask--how long have you been sewing, and how did you learn? I've just begun myself and am so impressed with your sewing skills!

  4. Your sight is beautiful, I really enjoyed the photos,and the reading. I don't sew but you (almost) make me want to!!

  5. Yay, a serger, I'd be lost without mine!, They are a pain to thread, but after 3 1/2 tears, I can finally do mine with out the thread breaking as soon as I try to use it.
    Have fun!

  6. Oops, that should be years, typing and nursing don't always work together.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Had to fix the typos - and I don't even have the "nursing" excuse! :)

    Anna, I think you'll really like your serger! My mom's had them since they were first available to the general public, so I grew up sewing on them... I got so used to the neat and easily-finished insides that I found sewing almost frustrating when I got married and didn't have one myself. I just recently inherited my grandma's though - and my husband says he should have gotten me one years ago as it totally changes the way you can sew! Skirts for my little girls go together in a flash, and I so enjoy seeing how clean the insides of my garments look - no stray frays or big seam allowances zigzagged anywhere. There are books out on how to do fun and creative things with your serger - they can do so much more than make a neat seam finish! Have lots of fun and don't let it intimidate you!

  9. YAY! What a blessing :). I wanted to stop in and say Hi. I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now and have started up a new blog here at blogger. So if it's ok with you, I added your blog to my links :).

  10. I'm jealous! I've wanted a serger forever.....

  11. I traded in my serger on my quilting machine, and looking back, wish I'd held onto it. They do so many things that a standard machine just does not do as nicely. Once you get beyond the intimidation of threading it, they can be great fun. Good for you for just jumping in!

  12. You are going to wonder what you did before you had your serger. What a wonderful gift. I have an older one that is not computerized and I use it a lot. You may find some wonderful books on using your serger in creative ways in thrift stores - I see them all the time. I have a few that are helpful and stretch my thoughts a bit. ~Adrienne~

  13. Forget the serger -- I love your CAMERA! What kind do you have to get those beautiful up-close pictures.

  14. I have this serger! If it's the Janome Compulock and you will love it. Lucky you to benefit from your neighbor's handmedowns. . . A tune up and proper introduction is not a bad idea but once you realize what it's telling you it's so easy to use. The tensions set automatically for you, it tells you which paths to thread and what settings you need for each stitch.
    Lots of serging fun ahead!

  15. Wow! What a nice gift!!

    Let us know what you think---I have contemplated a serger, but haven't decided yet!

    Of course, I want to see pics of Bella in her new housedress!

  16. Congrats on the Serger! Now you really will be whipping up projects. I hope the package I sent arrived safely. Email me to let me know.

    Leslie McKinley

  17. Doreen--yes, I have the Janome. We spent some quality time together today and we're getting past the butterflies-in-the-stomach stage.

    Hi, Tara, welcome!

    Jackie, Giles uses a Sony Alpha for these gorgeous pictures.

    Leslie, I'm drooling over the package. It's getting its own post!!!
