Thursday, October 04, 2007

Vintage Housecoats for the Girls

With cold weather coming at any moment (three weeks? five?), I hustled to get flannel housecoats sewn for the girls. Bella got this fabulous model, vintage McCall's 3416. I went ahead and used a ladies' size 12, simply shortening the bodice and the skirt with the HANDY built-in ruler you see below. Why don't patterns include this anymore? It seems like genius to me. With those alterations made, this pattern fit her curvy little figure perfectly.

Huge pockets, gathered in by funny little pleats in the side panels. Huge collar, double-breasted buttons at the waist. Those fifties designers weren't afraid to add some big style.

Daisy is pictured here in her new flannel robe, the "Morning Glory" model. She puts her robe on every morning after she gets up. Her hair is a huge wreck, and I cannot say how delicious she is. But. She didn't want her picture taken this morning, unless I let her dance on the dryer.


  1. too cute. The housecoats are beautiful and I love the dancing Daisy in the morning sun! Wonderful.

    God bless,

  2. All that's missing are some of those pointy slip on high heels! Lovely girls you have. xoxxo

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your world. My sister and I (both stay at home Mom's in our mid/late 20's) are inspired by your creativity and obvious love for your kids and home. We always look forward to your next post.

    As for the housecoats - how lovely! Daisy always looks like the most beautiful piece of china in the room....even when you can't see her face.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I hear dryer dancing is all the rage! Precious times, and precious children. Enjoy!
    (I love your sewing projects)

  6. It's beautiful!

  7. How wonderful!! (Can't I be your little girl,too?) Daisy with her messy hair and robe, Bella playing piano----how it reminds me of my own childhood!

  8. Oh, make me one! Please! Please!

  9. Bella has grown up into a beautiful young lady and Daisy is too cute. Your posts have encouraged me to be the best mother and wife I can be. I love the new photo of you. So beautiful and elegant.

  10. I love those robes! I posted a picture on my blog of the beautiful pillowcases I got from you. :) I love them, and they match the comforter on my guest bed perfectly. Thanks!

  11. Anna, the housecoats are just darling. I love Bella's--I don't know too many others that love the vintage patterns like me. I would love to try that one!

  12. Anna, I forgot to ask in my comment where you found that pattern, if you have time to share.

  13. Such sweet luxuary - your girls are so blessed! We all need new robes this year and I'm thinking I need to search for a vintage style pattern for my girl - she would love it!
