Thursday, January 24, 2008

Three Pans of Sweet Rolls

With our very cold weather, and my mother convalescing here after her massive back surgery, I am sticking close to home. Far from feeling housebound, I'm finding myself inspired by the appreciative audience that is my mother: hence, a flurry of sweet rolls.

A pan of butterscotch pecan rolls.

Cheese-filled yeast rolls garnished with raspberry jam.

Orange rolls heavily doused with orange-zesty glaze.

I think we're set for tomorrow's breakfast.


  1. Oh, Yum! Isn't it fun to bake for a new 'audience' once in a while ... especially one who freely expresses appreciation! I do hope your mother is recovering rapidly! There is nothing like the love of family and the joy of children's voices to make the body heal. I never understood why, in years past, absolute silence was required in the sick room, and children were banished. Rest is wonderful and naturally necessary, but a lively home takes one's mind off the aches and pains for just a while, and cheers the heart! I'm glad we have a different view of convalescence today!

  2. Oh those look yummy and to think Im on a diet and cant even have any!

  3. those look wonderful! do you mind sharing the recipes or where you got the recipes? I love to make cinnamon rolls with my sourdough starter, and would love to try some variations. Thanks!

  4. Wow! If I was nearby, you wouldn't have enough left for breakfast. They look too delicious!

  5. anna, your attitude is always as sweet as your baking!

  6. Yum, yum, yum! Care to share the recipes, or where you found them? You'd make a very cold, shivering northern family very happy!

  7. Please, please, please may I have the recipes too? You are truly an amazing lady. I admire you so much.

  8. What a servant's heart you have! I'm now hungry for something sweet. Enjoy your mother being with you! It sounds like you already are. Hoping and praying she's feeling much, much better now.

  9. looks like you really love your mom. I can relate. :)

  10. *grumble, growl, grumble* Oh, EXCUSE me, my stomach is GROWLING and, oh dear, I'm drooling! For shame on you Anna! *whimper* and I don't even get one little roll.

  11. those look so comforting and delicious.

    deb meyers

  12. Mmm, those look so lovely. I'd like to reiterate some previous commenters and ask for the recipe(s)...


  13. Okay, you MUST share the recipes!

  14. Oh you did not make butterscotch buns! :)

  15. OMG those look delicious! My daughters love it when I make fresh sticky buns for breakfast. With cinnamon sprinkled on top and a bit of caramel for Adilide (my youngest).

  16. Those sweet rolls are very inspirational!!! I'm trying to decide just when I can make them.

  17. Your baked goods look delicious and your photos do not lack anything either. I bake a sweet yeast bread with cardamom during the holidays.
    Paul R. Vestal, NY
