Monday, July 13, 2009

An Easy Daisy Birthday

At this point I don't even try to re-invent the wheel--a flowered cake, cold melon, a sweet fruity drink, and friends at the swimming pool. Those elements seem to delight all three of the girls with their July birthdays.

Daisy celebrated her 5th today. Her guest list? Her brother and sisters, three teenage friends, and two grandparents.

And Elizabeth, the American Girl, who will be staying on past the party.


  1. Wow, 5. She has really grown since I started reading your blog. Congratulations to you for a healthy and beautiful family and many wonderful birthday celebrations to come.

  2. July IS a very nice month for a birthday...I share that month with them for my birth month. Your party looks wonderful and so does the cake!
    (I LOVE your blog!)

  3. Happy Birthday Daisy! And may she enjoy many happy years with Elizabeth. My girls love their American Girl dolls (not too little for sewing doll clothes for)and not too grown up looking, perfect for many happy adventures.
    Amy Fuller

  4. Oh, Happy, Happy Birthday sweet Daisy!! May the Lord bless you always!

  5. Natalie from Nashville1:19 AM, July 14, 2009

    Happy birthday to your sweet Daisy. Have you ever tried making a lazy daisy cake for or with her? Various recipes can be found on the internet, but my go-to lazy daisy cake recipe is healthy, light and simple. It comes from the Fannie Farmer Cookbook. Sure to be enjoyed by all!

  6. Happy birthday to Daisy! Although now probably already belated... The simplest cakes and decorations are the best, really.

  7. Oh, Happy Happy Day, Sweet Daisy! I hope it was everything you had been wishing for and more!
    We've lots of July birthday girls here, too--me, two of my daughters, and another little pink bundle due in just over a week.
    Anna, I never tire of seeing how you take something that is so often overdone and pare it down to it's bare bones with such simple elegance.

  8. Happy birthday to the cutest Daisy on the planet. She's just more gorgeous every day.

  9. Simple and have such a knack for that.

    Happy Birthday to Daisy.

  10. Hello Daisy, I am so glad you had a happy birthday. Here is a poem for you, it was written by a man called A.A. Milne.

    Wind on the Hill

    No one can tell me,
    Nobody knows,
    Where the wind comes from,
    Where the wind goes.

    It's flying from somewhere
    As fast as it can,
    I couldn't keep up with it,
    Not if I ran.

    But if I stopped holding
    The string of my kite,
    It would blow with the wind
    For a day and a night.

    And then when I found it,
    Wherever it blew,
    I should know that the wind
    Had been going there too.

    So then I could tell them
    Where the wind goes...
    But where the wind comes from
    Nobody knows.

    -from Now We Are Six

  11. I hope Daisy had a Great birthday!!


  12. Elizabeth looks like she enjoyed the party very much!! She reminds me of the various Am. Girl dolls that inhabit our home and bring so much delight!! Happy Birthday, Daisy!

  13. Happy Birthday to the precious Daisy!

    it looks like a great time was had :) Sounds like the perfect Birthday to me :)

    have a glorious day in the Lord Anna!


  14. Happy Birthday dear Daisy!!
    How quickly the years go by.

  15. Happy Birthday, Daisy!

  16. Happy birthday dear Daisy! Enjoy being five!

    Elizabeth lives at our house, too. :)

  17. What a lovely party dress! Happy Birthday, Daisy!

  18. What?!! No David???
    They grow up so very fast, don't they?
    Happy Birthday, Daisy.

  19. ohhhh...i remember my 8th birthday, when I opened up my Kirsten doll! So I guess that makes Kirsten 22 this September? Happy Birthday, Daisy!

    In Christ,

  20. My little girl also turns 5 this month! We too are going with the simplistic, but oh so lovely.

  21. Simple and sublime. Thank you for sharing.

  22. In fact, David *was* at the party. He just wasn't there by Daisy's invitation. She likes to give him a little bit of cold shoulder.

  23. Happy Birthday to Daisy! I approve of July for birthdays - mine is in a week :)

  24. Hey! David was once on that list. If he could read he might be offended!

  25. Anna,
    Thank you for more ideas as we're celebrating our little ones' birthdays. I have found that home, people (different ages), simple food, etc. is the best. But you encourage me to do it well. I'm looking for a girly tablecloth (vintage with pink roses) to use for special days...I am so inspired by a Zolotow/Garth Williams book called "Over and Over". I caught my breath at the lovely, simple birthday at the know how in the 50s the children dressed up and just ate some cake...also like "A Birthday for Frances".
    I really liked this post and you are a lovely, happy Mama.
    Mary Brooke with our 5

  26. Happy Birthday wishes to Daisy.

  27. Happy birthday to Daisy! How thankful we are that you share a little bit of her sweetness with the readers of Pleasant View. :-)

  28. Aww, happy birthday, sweet Daisy. It almost doesn't seem possible that she is 5 already.
    Ah, Elizabeth. Miss Daisy strikes me as the kind of girl who will take VERY, VERY good care of her dolls. I am a American Girl collector myself, and I love to see younger girls with American Girl dolls, it is so sweet.
    I love Daisy's dress as well, very Princess-y. :-)

  29. Happy Belated Birthday, Daisy! If you don't mind my asking, who's David?
