Saturday, September 05, 2009

Daisy and Iolanthe

Daisy might be the only kindergartner in town obsessed with Iolanthe, a comic operetta in which a band of fairies takes on the English aristocracy, providing much occasion for political satire.

Fairies, check. Very high singing, check. House of Lords lampooned, check. Gilbert and Sullivan so knew their way to a little girl's heart!


  1. I was abour 7 when I discovered the Mikado. Sang along with it constantly. G & S is good for little girls.

    At Daisy's age it was Carmen for me. My MOther was concerned when I sang everything I spoke. No worries.

  2. I can just see her becoming a famous coloratura soprano in about twenty years. :)

  3. This is going to date me terribly - but for me it was Shirley Temple reruns and Mickey Mouse Club - not to mention Pollyanna.
    She is a little girl after my own heart.

  4. What an imagination! Congratulations on raising your children to explore new things.

  5. My son loved the musical Oklahoma! when he was Daisy's age. I wish I had taped him singing it. It was adorable.

  6. Hello from Mongolia!

    Yes, we have lived & worked here in the western countryside of Mongolia for the Gospel for the past 17 years. My youngest daughter, Ahnya, is 11 and I would like to introduce her to some different types of music. Is Daisy just listening to Iolanthe, or do you have a dvd? Either way, can you make a recommendation? I notice that there are a number of productions to choose from....

    Thanks so much....have a great week!


    Tosontsengel, Mongolia
    (you seem to have a curious household - perhaps someone would like to look this up!) :)

  7. Yes, is there a DVD of "Iolanthe" that you recommend? My children have enjoyed the Kevin Kline/Central Park "Pirates of Penzance" DVD that you mentioned.

    Thank you! Mary Brooke
    My husband and I enjoyed reading your "vocations" post from a year ago. The picture of Felix with the birders from around that time = so cute.

  8. Yes, there is a PBS/BBC production available on DVD (I think we got our through Amazon a while back). And the music is also available on itunes. Have fun!

  9. Ahh, a child after my own heart. I didn't hear my first G&S until I was 11 or so, but loved it from the start.

  10. don't you love homeschooling! My oldest daughter (8) has a new fairy skirt (sewn for the about to be 5 year old's bday party this Saturday) and I cannot tell you how I grinned listening to her prance about saying "I am Titania -where is a my fair Oberon?"
