Saturday, January 02, 2010

A Tattoo for Daisy

One of this year's big Christmas hits: the collection of 300+ tattoos for girls that Grandpa contributed. Not our usual look, but okay for at home.

Daisy spells out her love for her blankie (Sosie) in Gothic tattoo script. If only there were a tattoo of a skeleton head sucking its thumb . . . .


  1. Too funny, my little one (now 15) was a thumb sucker too. Very sweet.
    Have a blessed Lords day.

  2. Reading your post title in Google Reader I lol!

  3. *That* is funny. My best friend & I once procured fake tattoos to apply in order to trick her then 15 year old daughter, who was Very Opposed!!! Such a riot.

  4. my miss m is a huge fan of temporary much in fact they last for weeks because she carefully washes around them! go here to find a link/post about making tattoo and easy little project and it sounds like you have plenty supplies!

  5. HAH! I laughed out loud at the thumb sucking skull!

  6. I don't think it's funny at all. It's horrible, because so many of our young girls disfigure themselves permanently in this manner all the time now.

  7. a skeleton sucking its thumb...hahaha!

    you are so witty!

  8. I think it's sweet and is a way for her to show her personality and individuality. Permanent ones are for some people: just got my 8th way, 2 pairs of baby's feet for my boys.

  9. My girls love fake tatoos as well. I think they are fine as long as they are not visible. However...the oldest girly had applied one to her forearm and was in the ER a couple of days later. Needless to say the "tatooed" girl in exam room such&such was quite the talk of the place.
