Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kitchen Skylight

Glad for a little sunshine today to warm up our cold world.


  1. I'm wanting my husband to install a solartube skylight in my kitchen as soon as the weather warms up enough. We have no windows in there, and it makes for a dark day, even with lights on.

  2. The wood looks so warm and inviting, like I just want to crawl up there and bask!

  3. The small glimpses into your home never cease to amaze me! I love how buildings are repurposed into lovely homes. A skylight. Hmmm...was that added later, or original to the school?
    I just saw a small church for sale a while ago, and wondered how to make it into a home!

  4. I'm doing some blog visiting of my own today. Since returning to work full time there's not much time. I'm glad to hear all is well in your neck of the woods.

  5. After several rainy days in a row, I'll be smiling to see the sun again too!
    Enjoy The Son and the sun today!
