Thursday, April 29, 2010

The End from the Beginning

It's hard to see the end from the beginning, yes? That's why my shrubs crowd each other, why the peonies are entirely shaded by the climbing rose . . . .

When Giles took his first picture, no one saw he'd be spending his eighteenth summer in Manhattan, making a living with a camera.

A Spanish course at home, and a bird guide, and now Felix is planning a year in South America.

Tiny beginnings, but God sees the end before the process even starts.

When I started writing here in 2005 I had no idea I would become so committed to the pleasure of sharing my vision with you all. I have found my creativity sparked every day, and I have loved sharing my projects and finds with you. I thank you all so much for reading.

Now I sense that God has something different for me, and it's time to close up shop here in this little spot I love. Because I trust Him, I am glad to follow Him. His beginnings, His endings, yes?

Now, practically: I'll leave Pleasant View Schoolhouse up indefinitely for your archive-reading pleasure. I'll keep my etsy shop up and running. And before I go I'd like to atone for my abysmal record of responding to questions. Please feel free to submit a Q in the comments and I'll try to do an A before I finish up here.

My dear readers, it's been wonderful!


  1. I will miss reading about you and your family. Children are such a joy to watch as they grow into what God has intended for them. I for one have been inspired by your creativity, and it inspired me to get back to those sorts of things (sewing, quilting, crafting, creating). Hopefully you will give updates once a year or so! My niece starts college in Savannah in the Fall! Bless you all.

  2. As a long time lurker I will miss your posts. I have been blessed by them. Thanks

  3. You will be missed Anna! I am sure the Lord has something very wonderful around the corner for all your family. Thanks for sharing your life with us. Though we've never met, I have learned so much from you, and have been inspired to try to make my home a beautiful place for my you have done for yours. God bless you!

  4. Dear Anna, it seems rather sudden, this departure from blogdom, and how we will miss you! But I do understand life has its seasons. I only hope that your new beginnings unfold to reveal God's greatest blessings for you, your family and those others He brings across your path. An occasional glimpse of His work in your life would be most welcome!


  5. You and your family are so lovely. Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself. It has been inspiring and a very pleasant view, indeed!

  6. Anna, I will miss you! It has been a delight to regularly visit your blog full of beauty and wit and inspiration. The little glimpses you have given us into your life have opened my eyes in new ways to beauty and possibility in my own. I have asked one question a few times over the years: How do you do all that you do? How do you practically order your days such that you take care of your home, homeschool your children, and also find the time to create beauty in your environment in so many interesting ways? In my own personal life, I would like to find a better balance between those things. I am an at home mother of three who is also homeschooling. I would like to take the grace and charm with which I live my life up a notch and you seem like an excellent example of a woman who uses her time and talents well.

    Blessings on your new beginnings...

    Amy Corley

  7. Let me just say that you will be missed.

  8. Happy for YOU following the Lord's leading. Sad for ME that my peaceful spot will not be updated with your beautiful, gentle view of life. I have loved you sharing sweet little bits of your lives. But I understand. I am also at the end of one season and heading into a new one. And I am at peace. As I know you are, too. God bless you as you move into YOUR new season! {{{Hugs}}}

  9. That makes me sad:( Your blog has been my absolute favorite! My treat at the end of a busy day, just to see what you've sewn, what treasure you've found at the thrift store or what Bella has cooked up. Know that you have inspired me and you and your family will be missed;)

  10. I understand, when God calls one must follow. But how sad for those of us who are inspired by you each day Anna. I don't suppose you'd share what new path you'll be travelling?

  11. I don't usually leave comments, but I just had to let you know how much I have enjoyed your blog- I'be been a reader for over a year and I've read all of the archives. I'm sad that your done- but trust that you know where God is leading you. You have inspired me to start sewing again and look at my home with a new eye. Thanks so much for sharing your life with me- you will be missed!

  12. I am so sad! Checking your blog has been part of my daily routine for about a year now. You have influenced the way that I have cooked for my family, the sewing projects that I have chosen, and you recommended many of the great books that sit on my nightstand. Thank you so much for your good, steady creative influence in my life. You will be sorely missed!

  13. How sad I am to see you go! Of course, you must take the path that is right for you, but my days will be a little less wonderful without the bit of beauty I glean from your blog each morning. God bless you, Anna.

  14. I just want to say that I just found your blog recently and I have always looked forward to your posts. As a fellow Christian homeschooling mom I have been uplifted and inspired by your pictures and writings. Thank you and God bless you on your journey. :)

  15. Oh I am so sorry to see you leave! But it is best to do His will. He has done great things through you on this blog and I'm sure he will continue to do wonderful things with you wherever life takes you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family and your abounding creativity through this blog for all of us to enjoy. May God continue to bless you.

  16. Noooooooooooo .... :) I do understand. But I've loved every bit of what I've read. It's been a delight to be inspired by a peek into your family. I've thought of your online example often as I raise my children, years behind yours. I'm glad the archives are up, but I'll miss this. Thank you.

  17. I wish you wouldn't! I have a bloglist of over 80, but yours is the first I look for. Your blog is so inspiring, and comforting. If nothing else, could you update occasionally?
    I feel like I've lost a good friend. :o(
    I wish you well in your endeavors.
    A faithful reader

  18. I have so enjoyed reading your blog and looked forward to each post with the anticipation of seeing an old friend. I will miss you much, but what comfort to know that our Lord directs our steps and we can trust in that. May you be richly blessed in all your journeys. Thank you for sharing your life and family with us. You have inspired many of us in our roles as mom, wives, homeschoolers, creativity, and more. Look forward to seeing you in eternity. :)

  19. Anna,

    I will greatly miss you. You are on the top five, for sure, of lovely "blogs" that I read each and every day. You have inspired me; and made me feel *good things* about homekeeping, parenting, baking, creativity, and all of the intricate workings of a woman's life.

    I am thankful for your words and photos, and will frequently revisit your archives.

    I don't know if I actually have a Q for your A! Selfishly, of course, the first one that pops into my head is "WHY?" but that is certainly none of my business.

    The internet is a crazy thing. I feel tonight as if I will be missing a close friend, even though I only know you through your words on a public screen. Please know, however, that your words were appreciated and will be missed.

    With good thoughts,

  20. Thank-you from a mother in Australia who is in the renovating-with-babies-and-toddlers-and-preschoolers stage of life. The visual peace and inspiration you have given me has been water to my soul and the glimpses of your children have reminded me that my own little ones will be spreading their own wings, in their own special way, all too soon.

    God Bless Anna, and thank you for following His leading above all.

  21. Oh Anna, really? :( No, I shall not be selfish, you must respond to that trust and do as He leads you. Truth be known, I have gone through your archives over the years and have read every single one of your posts. I treasure your wisdom!

    One question..... okay. If you could give me one piece of advice as a young Mother, just beginning my homeschooling journey (3 little ones under 8), and setting out in faith to bring joy and light to my children and husband, what would it be?!

    Thank you sweet Anna, for everything. I am sure I will not be the last to say - you will be missed. All the best for you and your beautiful family!

    Saminda xo

  22. Oh, Anna--! You have been--and will continue to be--such an inspiration. I will miss you so.

    What a thrill to be embarking on this new chapter in your family's walk with the Lord. I'm sure He has a marvelous journey planned for you all.

    May His abundant blessings be upon you. Thank you for the blessing that you have been, by sharing your lives with us.

    Very Fondly Yours,

  23. Hi Anna,

    I have been following your blog for quite some time now. I daily look and see what your have to share and I must tell you that I get so much pleasure reading your entries and looking at the pictures you share. This has been a daily habit. I greatly admire your gifts in homemaking and am amazed at how wonderful all your children have developed. I have been recently widowed. This has been a very sad and lonely time for me. My life for 38 years with my husband was a very happy one and I somehow continue to experience that joy through reading your blog. I know I shall miss you and your family very much. I will still on occasion drop by and hopefully hear from you, but if that is not possible then I thank you so much for the wonderful sharing you did and that I wish and pray for you and your family's joy and continued blessings. Take care and hopefully someday our paths will cross once again.

  24. Alpha and omega. It has been a pleasure.No question.

  25. I have loved reading your blog, so I'll miss it very much. I've ordered books you've mentioned and I've got a lot inspiration from you. If you ever write a book, let us know!
    God bless you and your family!And if the Lord has a new task for you, lots of blessings for it!
    Your sister in Christ
    Maria, Sweden

  26. No questions from me, just a quick note to say I'll miss you, but I do so understand the need to listen and act on divine promptings. Wishing you all the best as you move on to new and exciting adventures!

  27. Anna, just wanted to say how much I've enjoyed your blog. Reading it each day is a must-do for me. The beautiful photos, amazing sewing projects, and wonderful tutorials have been a constant source of inspiration to me. In fact I used your grocery bag tutorial to make Christmas gifts this past year. Your blog has been a bright spot in my day and a respite from my hectic work/life schedule. I am *so* curious as to what you are up to next and what God has in store for you. I have a question though...your life seems so tranquil--how do you manage stress? I could use a few ideas on stress management :) Anyway Anna, you will be missed :)

  28. O Anna, I only just found you not long ago and have enjoyed your postings immensely and have been much encouraged. You have taught me to relish simplicity in life, to cherish what I have and to be thankful for small blessings. I will miss you dearly and pray that as He leads you to another new 'beginning' that you will find much joy and blessing.

  29. I will miss you. Susanne

  30. Dear Anna,

    It was an absolute blessing to get to know you and your family through your blog!! Truly inspiring, indeed! Your love of our Lord was greatly evident and magnified here ~ thank you! You will be missed!

    Blessings to your whole sweet family,

    Ecclesiastes 3:1,22
    Numbers 6:24-26

  31. Awww, sad! I will miss your beautiful posts! You inspired me to look for more beauty in everyday things!

  32. oh sad to see you go?? how will we know how you are doing? i would still love to read about you and your family...thank you for sharing i have been following you for a while now and you have been such a blessing to me ...i am so sad i hope you re-consider :(

  33. Hello, I only discovered your blog two weeks ago and have enjoyed it so much! You are a very inspirational and talented woman. All the very best for your future and
    may God bless you and your family x

  34. Oh my.
    What am I going to read now? Where am I going to turn for my weekly dose of beautiful and inspirational?
    But that's no reproach to you. It's your life, and your blog, and I'm certainly really grateful for what you gave us. What you gave me. And I'm really grateful that you leave it here for us to admire even now.

    I'd probably have a lot to ask, but I think I won't. Let's keep it as it is, an inspirational blog from someone far away. I liked it that way. I suppose now it's my turn to do something of that kind.

  35. dear Anna ... my instinct is to try to wildly talk you out of this!! :-) but I know that the Best is for you to follow God's will. So let me just say then, it has been wonderful peeking into your life. you have been a source of inspiration and encouragement, and I will be one of very many who will miss you and your beautiful family dearly. God bless you.

  36. It has been lovely Anna, thank you. I'll miss you.

  37. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that, I've loved reading your blog over the last couple of years... Are you sure you will never come back to blogging again?

  38. I know I'm only one in a very long line, but I still need to tell you how much I have enjoyed your blog, and how much I will miss it! (though I'm so glad you'll be leaving it up)
    Thank you for teaching us all a bit about keeping the everyday beautiful, enjoying family, dressing like ladies, and eating good things!
    Blessings to you and your family in your new adventures!
    4 year reader-

  39. Oh, I hate it when a blogger quits or takes a break; but when you sense the hand of God, you do what you have to do.

    I have loved this blog almost as long as you have been writing. The things you do with fabric and old patterns just amazes me. It's been wonderful trying your recipes, seeing your children grow, and learning about you running. I will miss this blog so much; I check it out every morning.

    Best wishes to you and your family. I will miss you all.

  40. I just want to cry though I respect your decision. Thank you for the inspiration both in word and in photo. It has been such a joy to peek into your home.

  41. Anna,
    AS a reader for several years (though I don't think I've commented) I have been inspired many times as I've read your posts...I will miss them and you, but I am encouraged by your faith in the Lord and will pray that you will feel his pleasure in you as you follow him. Thank you for finding the importance in bringing beauty to all you do. The grace of God go with you and your family.

  42. I'm sad to hear you're leaving your blog, because it's been a source of inspiration to me as a first year homeschooler! I have utilized your birding references for my own beginning birders. My Q for you is: how do you carve out time for yourself to sew, garden, shop, while still teaching your children? What does your day look like?

  43. But I only just found you! Will you online journal again or is a season passed? Take care and thankyou for sharing.

  44. Dear Anna,
    What a delight and privilege it has been for me (& my daughters) to have a peek into your lives these past years via your lovely blog. I've never left a comment before, which means, I guess, that I'm technically a "lurker" (what an unfortunate word!) - but I did want to thank you especially for the joy, insight, encouragement and beauty you've brought into our lives through your blog. I, too, am a mother of five (very similar ages to your lovely children), homeschooling, and a Bible-believing Christian living in Australia, and have gleaned much encouragement and inspiration from your creative journaling and glimpses into your home and life. How sad we were to hear you'll be signing off for now, but understand perfectly the importance of following the Lord's leading. May He continue to bless you and your family richly in all things as you faithfully walk in all His ways. "The LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen your bones; you shall be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail." Isa 58:11. Sincerest thanks again for allowing us into your lives these past years, and whilst we'll miss our daily "visits" via cyberspace, we'll enjoy reading through your lovely archives! God bless you and much love in the Lord,
    Brenda, from Australia

  45. Anna,
    I am sad to read that you are leaving "blogville"; however, I do understand that you are entering a new season that requires you be elsewhere.
    Thank you for all of your insight and for sharing your life with me (us). I have gleaned so much from your insight over the years.
    May the Lord bless this new season for you and yours.
    He has certainly planned our paths for us, if we would only listen.
    Thank you for listening to Him.

    May you be blessed.
    Lynne in NC

  46. That is just the worst news that you are leaving us! I do understand, however. As much fun as blogging is, it can be quite demanding. It would be lovely if you popped in if only occasionally to say hello... Thank you so much for leaving your content up. I shall visit often for inspiration.

  47. Wow. I have read your blog since around the time you went to England with Daisy. I'm going to miss your inspiring and beautiful outlook on life, but agree so totally that when we walk with God it is exciting to follow. =) May He bless you and your gorgeous family abundantly! Sarah in NZ

  48. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I have learned so much from you including orchid care, how to make the best brussels sprouts ever, and just how much beauty there is in the everyday small scenes of life. Nto to mention your lovely, spirited children.

    Although I'll miss you so, I wish you happiness and peace in your new endeavors.

  49. Thanks for the beautiful words, loving mothering thoughts and exquisite pictures. I have often come here amid the welter of family life and come away remembering that a family can also be an art form.

  50. I'm a long time lurker, but your blog has given me more pleasure and hope for the future than you can know. Coincidentally, I'm also in law school (and started at 19, like you) but completely domestic minded. Thank you for sharing your life with us!


  51. Oh, Anna, I'm going to miss your posts so much. I hope that all continues well for you and your family.

    As for questions, I'd love to know how Bella came to be a part of your family.

  52. It is with sadness and joy to read your news. Sadness , as your blog has been one of the bright spots of my day. Joy, as you hear the LORD and obey, the very thing we as Christians are supposed to do. I will miss your projects and recipes. The beautiful pictures of your flowers and family. I know you not, but I am encouraged by you. Even in this.
    I do have a question.You call you Husband the Composer, What kind of music does he compose? Where can I find some to listen to?

  53. Wow. You're my favorite blogger and I will miss you. Just a picture, just a caption, just a few words - and so often they've given me inspiration. May the Lord bless the new direction He is taking you and the new things He has for you and your family. (I wish I could sew like you - your dress and skirt posts I will miss the most.)
    Much grace to you,

  54. I have started many mornings looking forward to reading your words for the day--- I can find your blogspot without finding my glasses in the morning !!--I am sure you didn't realize how many cups of morning "Joe" we have shared....You and your beautiful family have inspired me...may God's blessings fill your days with sunshine... Just know that you will truely be missed. Though saying Thank you doesn't seem to be enough...but ...thank you Jill-in Ohio

  55. I have so much enjoyed your blog over the years. Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into it! May God bless you as you follow His leading!

  56. Dear Anna,
    I have been reading your blog for many years. You have inspired me in so many ways! Just last night we had your oven mustard chicken which is on a regular rotation in our house.
    Even some of your homemade lovelies grace my house. A little zipper pouch which I store my bible study pens & pencils in, my favorite blue apron with the strawberries. I will greatly miss your daily beauty here.
    Thank you for deciding to leave your blog up. I know I still have recipes to print.
    How do I choose just one question?
    I love books and book lists. So I would love to know some of your favorites. Favorite gardening, knitting, homeschooling (maybe even 1 curriculum recommendation?lol)crafting,cookbooks etc....
    I know the Lord will continue to bless you & your family in all your future endeavors. I truly thank you for all that you have shared here. You have been such a blessing!
    much love.

  57. Thank you for sharing your vision with us- you and your beautiful family have been an inspiration and a breath of fresh air in this crazy world. God bless!

  58. I feel I'm saying good-bye to a friend embarking on a long journey. Thank you so much for sharing your life. I've loved your spare and effective use of words and photos and looked forward to each new post.
    Enjoy your new adventures!
    God bless you and the family abundantly as you travel on in His great grace, dear gracious Anna.
    ...waving my hanky in MD

  59. Though I've never commented before, I must say a heartfelt thank you for letting all of us "visit" Pleasant View Schoolhouse. It's been a pleasure. Keeping the archives available will help if we're having withdrawals...or need some inspiration. :) You are a kindred spirit. God bless, Jeanette

  60. I have SO enjoyed "visiting" with you! What an inspiration! One of these days maybe I'll get the courage to cut that 1st pattern! Thanks so much for sharing your simple and beautiful life and family.

    Blessings to you today and always.

    In Christ,

  61. I'm sorry to see you go, as you're one of the first blogs I "keep up" with each morning, and I've enjoyed our glimpses into your life. But, I understand, as I've just recently gone private for personal reasons.
    Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge in domesticity. I've enjoyed learning new things right along with you.
    I know you're proud of your children and I wish you all the best. I'm a little sad that we won't get to see "Daisy" grow up, as we have your older children.

    My question - Are you still working as a "sometimes attorney"?

  62. I am so sad! I really think I might cry. I have loved your vision, and visited here daily for. . .3 years I think. I even bought an apron once, but seldom have I commented. I am excited to hear you are following God's call, though I will miss your postings so much. I have cried and laughed out loud visiting you. You have been inspiring to me in my domestic, artistic, and spiritual life, and I thank you. I wish you the best. Please let us know if there is somewhere else we might check-in with you and your beautiful family. You have all come to hold a special place in my heart, though we've never met. Your sister in Christ, Sloan

  63. Oh deary me no! WHile I completely respect this decision, I've come to love this slice of life so much and have gleaned LOTS of inspiration from it. You don't know me at all, and really I don't know you either...but, I've loved "seeing" your has made mine a better place Thank you for that!
    Kathryn from S/S
    (and the truth is, I feel like I do know you so I feel like I'm losing a friend).

  64. Sad to see you go, but understand your desires to follow God's leading. Good luck and thank you for a slice of beauty on the web.

  65. Anna! Thanks for everything - so much inspiration! I've learned many things from you, but THE MAIN THING which you've shown is - moving forward. You've always done that. May it continue. May you continue to let God guide you in His way.

  66. Dear Anna,

    I will miss you and your family. You have been a blessing to me. Though I am sad to see it, I applaud your decision to follow that Still, Small Voice in closing your beautiful weblog. Thank you for everything I have gleaned from your writing over the years! May the LORD richly bless you and your lovely family.

  67. Anna - I also wanted to let you know that I've really appreciated the glimpses into the rhythm of your days over the years. I was in a legal career I hated for a long time and your glimpses gave me hope. Now I've been blessed at 40 to have a baby and to be sahm at that - so I'm trying to find my own rhythms. Thank you for everything you've shared.

  68. So, so sad to see you go. :-) And so happy for your new beginnings. You will be missed!

  69. I have been enjoying your blog for a couple of years now and I am sad that you will no longer be blogging. I trust God will be with you and your family in your future endeavours.

    Warmly, Naomi from Australia

  70. You will be missed. Yours was one of the first blogs I started reading regularly many years ago.

    I do understand, though.

  71. You have blessed so many of us through your photos and posts here, Anna!

    Thanks for your daily inspirations, and may God richly bless you as you follow his lead!

    Oh sadness. I have enjoyed so much watching the growth of your family the adventures you've had.


  73. Wow, I can't believe your leaving. We really enjoyed reading your blog posts. I hope that your life is good and blessed wherever God is leading you now.

  74. I join others in expressing my sadness at seeing you go. Yet, I also realize your decision is a continuation of what you've always been giving us -- an example of following God's promptings. Godspeed to you and your family.

  75. To everything there is a season....

    This is what I am seeing ever clear
    as I walk this terrestrial sod.
    What a season it has been for me
    to have been invited in to yours.

    My ♥ is grateful to you
    for every spark of Pleasant View life
    you've shared
    in our time together.

    After all this,
    how could I not
    keep you in my prayers?

    {{* *}}

  76. Anna-
    Thank you so much for writing this blog. Almost two years ago I found your site rather serendipitiously, and began reading it. It was a bad time in my life, and I've always felt that God used your blog to teach me that there was more to life than work. I have been deeply impressed by your children, and by your dedication to homeschooling, sewing, and feeding your family with such talent and poise. I believe that God has used you, as well as other bloggers out there, to teach me some important lessons, and I thank him for it. I do hope that all of you will continue to thrive and grow in his love. And I do have one rather odd question for you - would you tell us a little about your schoolhouse, and how and why you turned it into a house? I love old buildings, and am very interested in adaptive reuse.

  77. Thank you so very much for providing lovely glimpses into your home and family life for five years. I've been reading your blog for a long time, and added it to my Google Reader when I created one. When a new post popped up from you, it felt like a moment to say, "Ah" and be refreshed.

    Thank you for imbuing the simple work of home with dignity and grace. You will be so missed.

  78. I, too, will really miss your posts! The beauty you share gives me serenity on crazy days. I hope God gives you His blessing to come back sometime or maybe do little posts to catch us up!!

  79. So sad to see you leave, you were a daily inspiration.

  80. I hate when this happens. Sudden loss hits hard.

    But we hold our blessings with an open hand! And never want to stumble another following God's leading.

    You have been a blessing in the most profound ways.

    I have grown to appreciate the air of mystery which supported all your vignettes, though at first found it maddening. Like reading the Bible, glimpses of your beautiful family raised trails of questions which I soon learned would never be answered to the masses.

    Somehow...stay visible?

    Love and prayer for you and your family, Anna.

    deb meyers

  81. Thank you for all your time!

  82. From someone who only just discovered your blog very recently: you'll be so missed! Thank you most of all for introducing me to the joys of sewing my own shirtwaists! Best to you and yours!

  83. I found you last year as I was recovering from breast cancer chemo, then had surgery for lung cancer, and have been entirely blessed by your blog: your daily home crafting, your beautiful sons and daughters, sharing your daily beauty with me. Now that I am "well" and once again in a daily routine of my own, I still feel the blessings of the lessons learned about daily joy and beauty found in your blog. I am sure God has used you beyond your dreams, and He will again. I will sooooooooooooooo miss you and your dear family! xo
    Nancy, grandma, survivor

  84. Oh no. I will miss you so much. I have loved your photography, and the dresses you have made. To tell you the truth, your blog was one of the first one I went to on a regular basis. I wish you luck on your new journey, and may God bless you. Tara J

  85. I can't say anything that hasn't already been said . . . I may have to dig into your archives just to appease myself. Thank you for your wonderful example of peace, gentleness, and creativity to this homeschooling momma of three. I have often thought I would love to have the opportunity to meet you. I hope God blesses you in whatever lies ahead.

  86. oh I am going to miss your posts so much. I just love getting a view into your life. You seem to find so much beauty in very ordinary things. It has been a pleasure getting a glimpse of the world through your eyes

  87. you have inspired me toward home, family and beauty. thanks for being a discipler and an encouragement!

  88. I will miss your posts! They have been a wonderful pairing with my morning cappuchino!

    Take care and hope you come back soon!

  89. Like the rest, I am sorry to say "so long". All God's best for you and your family. I've heard the phrase "Make friends with change", and know that is a good path to go down, but I am very sorry to have this change...,
    Laura in Florida

  90. Dear Anna,

    I have been reading Pleasantview Schoolhouse for a very long time now, perhaps since early 2008? It's been a daily ritual of mine to check here. All the beautiful photographs have been such an inspiration.

    Your writing is short but very eloquent and gorgeous. How I wish someday I'll have even a quarter of your talents, in everything from writing to sewing. :)

    I am very very sad that you're departing from the blogosphere, but I understand you have a good reason behind it. I will echo others' sentiment here, you will be severely missed.

    Hope life continues to be a wonderful, magnificent journey for you and your family. I thank you so much for the pleasure of reading and all the inspiration Pleasantview Schoolhouse have given me.


  91. Anna,

    Thank you so much for sharing a part of your life with so many. I have been blessed many times with your entries. Your posts have been so inspiring, you really have a gift for showing the beauty of the Lord in our everyday lives. God Bless you and your family!

  92. As with any friend, it's sad when they say they are moving away, and I'm going to miss your beautiful, peaceful postings, all your creativity and the news of your family. I am so happy for your son! And for you! Thanks for all that you've shared with us over the years!
    I bid you a fond farewell!

  93. You will be so missed! Thank you for all the inspiration, I particularly loved the sewing posts and wish I could take a quilting class from you.
    Even now I have a raspberry patchwork pillow laid out on my sewing table ready to stitch. God bless, Wendy

  94. I'm so going to miss you! We have little in common except for a love of home and family, but those are the most important things, and the things that unite the world. You've been a bright spot in my days for a long time!

  95. Oh, I have enjoyed your blog for a few years now and you have given me inspiration and hope for my disorganized, baby-centric life. Thank you for all you have shared; you have truly made a difference in my life, from the two rick-rack pillowcases in my bedroom to the line of milk glass vases on my mantel.

    My question is this, and I think it's the same one many others have: How do you balance your personal goals and hobbies with your other duties? How do you not feel guilty when you take time for yourself? Oh, and not exactly a question, but any words of wisdom or encouragement for those of us with little ones would be much appreciated.

    Again, thank you.

  96. I'm sorry to see you go, as I enjoy your quick, to the point, beautiful posts.
    I'm inspired by your talents in homemaking, mothering, sewing, and life in general. Your love of life and simple view shines through. May the Lord bless you abundantly in whatever He takes you from here.
    I am, however, curious...about your homeschooling. How is it you see in to your children the way you do AND then choose the (older) books - could you give more specific insight to the curriculum you use. How about Daisy, what does she do for "school"?
    Thank you again and God bless you.

  97. Although we have never met, I feel such a sadness thinking we won't get to visit any more. You have been such a sweet blessing.
    Thank you for sharing your heart and life so beautifully. I pray His continued blessing on your life Anna.
    I will miss you.

  98. Oh Anna! I've been reading your blog since the beginning and you have inspired me in so many ways...As you can see from all these comments you'll be greatly missed. You have created something truly special here in cyberspace and have given so much. Thank you for sharing your life with us for all these years.
    I only hope that you occasionally update us on how you and your wonderful family are doing.
    My questions are pretty much the same as others: How do you carve out time for yourself, how do you handle stress and the upheavals that life sometimes throws at us, how do you order your days to get so much done?
    And finally (this one is silly!) are you still planning and cooking breakfasts and if so what's your breakfast menu like? I told you it was silly! But I'm stuck for inspiration...
    Thank you so much Anna and may God bless you and your family in the days and years to come.

  99. Thank you for all you have shared with us, Anna. I will miss our daily "visits." You have a beautiful family, and I pray the Lord bless you all in whatever He has next for you. Thank you for bringing joy to the mundane and sharing your creativity with us and for answering questions I've had along the way. Take care and may God richly bless you as you continue to heed His call.

  100. As a long time reader, I will miss the light breeze of fresh air that has been your blog in my life. As a fellow seamstress and lover of cooking and photography, your blog has always given me a moment to smile and be inspired. As a fellow southerner, I will miss the peeks at your gentle southern life. I wish you the best, and may God lead you on to more wonder and joy. My biggest wonder has always been about your approach to homeschooling. I am a mom of four, and as they get older, I find such a struggle in getting the work done while still finding the time to create the way you do. Any advice for one who often feels as if there is no time for anything but school? :)

  101. Anna-
    I have been a quiet lurker for the last several years and your blog has been one of my favorites to read each day. Thank you for sharing your life and your family--so lovely and I have enjoyed visiting. I will miss you all. God's blessings on you all as you continue to follow Him.

  102. A few months after losing my little sister and best friend in a car accident, I moved to the States in order to be with my husband. We had been married for a year and had been unable to see each other for more than a few days at a time. My husband travels for work, so though I am able to see him more, I am alone for about five days at a time. I've missed my sister and my family so much in this totally different world. I just wanted to thank you for writing your blog. It has been a blessing to have someone consistently writing to "me" and it has helped me keep for being too lonely. Your strong words of spiritual guidance have been just what I needed somedays when I've struggled with depression and loneliness. So thank you.
    I pray that God blesses you and your family greatly.

  103. Maybe you should write a book?????!!!!

  104. Dear Anna,
    Thank you all all of your sharings. I enjoy every bit of it. I'm 22 from a city you probably have never heard of (Hong Kong) and have always wanted to be a full-time wife and mother, which is not a very common wish in where I'm from at my age. I do look up to you since I first read your blog. You are the exact kind of mom and wife I want to be. Thank you for setting such a good example.
    Bless you all.

  105. I, too, will miss you, your family, and the beautiful pictures!

  106. I can't even say how sad I am to see this. I understand, of course--you've got to follow God's lead. I've been reading here since my son was born, about three years ago. He's my only child so far and your vision for your home and family helped shaped *my* vision for my home and family--as an attorney-turned-mother/wife also. When things were hard with a colicky baby I felt refreshed to see what you were doing. You inspired me to start sewing again, to salvage hundreds of vintage patterns from my grandmother's attic, to try to keep up my running even when I hadn't had enough sleep, to knit, to find some joy in cooking. I cannot overstate the positive impact you've had on my life as a mother and wife, because I felt like I was reading someone who was parallel to me in some ways, as a lawyer with a hearty domestic bent. I deeply admire your sense of style, beauty and vintage. And I love your children's talents and the way you've helped guide them to becoming who God wants them to be--that's what I want to do as well, for my son and any more children we have.

    So it's hard for me to reconcile with the fact that the end is here--I have to! But it's hard!

    Please do leave the blog up for at least a while--recipes!

    I've got so many questions, really. One is: how did you manage domesticity (or did you?) with several small children? I find some time for sewing and knitting and making things pretty most days, but it's often a struggle--and I've only got *the one* child so far! Another is: did you practice law much when your children were small? There are others, but I'll let them be.

    It has been a real pleasure. I wish you all the best and give you my gratitude for being--even though you didn't know it--my Titus 2 woman. My mother died many years ago and I've not been able to find someone who could impart that wisdom. (I sure didn't learn it in graduate and law school!!!) When I serendipitously found your blog around the time my son was born, I knew God had offered me this as a chance at being 'mentored' from afar.

    I will miss your posts very much, but I understand the need to move on. "Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

    Thank you thank you thank you, so much.

  107. Thank you for sharing with all of us. Your serenity has been inspirational to me and I have learned much from you. Thank you again, and I wish you the best.

  108. You are the one who inspired me to start blogging. You are also the second person to stop blogging in the last year. It makes me sad and I really don't understand, but I also trust that God will bless you as you follow him.

  109. just last week, i too experienced the Lord nudging me to quit my bloglines (i had 50+ feeds)....but when i have a second or two, i try to remember a blog's IP address and check in to read for 5 minutes or so. and here i am, checking into yours and seeing that perhaps you were also sensing a time to go onto other endeavors?! :) i have discovered many new hours in my week! i will miss you and the beauty with which you filled this corner of the blog-world.

  110. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us. You have been such an inspiration and encouragement. Some mentioned how they almost cried, I did cry. My husband came down to ask me if I was okay :) I feel as though I am losing my dear friend. I have had the pleasure of reading your posts since 2006. They have been a daily source of beauty and joy in my life. You have helped to remind me of the importance of my role as wife and mother in a world that devalues it. Everything you and your family does is done with excellence. You have helped me to bring beauty to my family. My daughter and I have enjoyed making many of your recipes. So thankful for things I have bought from you on Etsy :) Now it's like having a keepsake from a dear friend!

    I do wish that you could update every now and then to let us know how you are all doing. How exciting to hear of Giles and Felix's upcoming plans. I will miss Giles' photography. One day maybe we will see his work in print.

    May God bless you Anna as you begin this new chapter in your life. Thank you once again for sharing your life with us. You will be greatly missed dear friend.

    Debbie in MI

  111. Checking in with Pleasant View Schoolhouse is something I looked forward to daily. It will be missed, but I know whatever God has in store will be a great gift to you and those you touch. Thank you so much for the many calming moments your blog has brought into my hectic days and your reminders (by example) to take time to appreciate the simpler things I often take for granted. It has been a blessing.

  112. Thank you for your lovely and inspiring blog! The delicate way you share glimpses of God's beauty has been a continual source of peace and refreshment. I've greatly appreciated your unassuming (but invaluable) wisdom and insights on everything from homemaking to sewing to family life.

    And your "Care and Feeding of the Fabric Stash" ( has to be one of my favorite blog posts!

    You will certainly be missed! I pray that the Lord may continue to bless you and your family richly as He unfolds His plan for you all!

    Blessings from a very grateful reader,

  113. Dear Anna -
    Your blog has been an oasis of calm, beauty and gracefulness. You cannot imagine how peaceful it always feels to read your blog.
    While I understand your decision, I would echo a previous comment that would you please update us occassionally, as you see fit? Thank you.

  114. May the Lord continue to be glorified through you and your beautiful family!

  115. Anna, I found your blog this past year when looking for information on Edith Schaeffer..what a nice and delightful blog yours has been... a source of gratefulness and beautiful homemaking nourishment of"fresh cut flowers,tea,and oranges". Thank you. God bless.

  116. Just reading through some of these comments makes me feel like mine will just get lost in the crowd, but I had to tell you how much I have appreciated your blog over the years. I have read every post through your archives and have been following your blog daily for almost two years, though I rarely comment. Through you, I have been encouraged to try to hand quilt, cook vegetables, sew clothes and live a life as genuinely feminine and lovely. Truly, you have been a source of inspiration and encouragement for me; I am in tears (sounds silly even to me!) over how much I am going to miss having you in my life.

    Questions about homeschooling methods or scheduling and organization are on my mind lately. You seem to keep a lovely home, educate your children and still have time to craft and sew, how?

    May God bless you and keep you...thank you for being a light in the darkness.


  117. i will really miss this every morning inspiration, but i also truly understand. You have a beautiful family that is coming into bloom, and I know they need you with them.:) Thankyou for being that breath of fresh air every morning that lets us all catch a glimpse of goods nature and goodness.

  118. Your blog has brought me much joy over the past few years and I will miss your daily updates. From the lovely photography, to the stories you've shared of your family and your sewing/cooking projects ~ it's been a beam of light in my life, and I thank you for that! I wish you and all your family the very best as you move on to new endeavors and pray that God continues to bless each one of you!

  119. Anna,
    To say that you have inspired some of us would be an absolute understatement. I've learned so much from you, and often from the posts "which stated the least" and just had a simply photo or thought for the day. Like others, I'll miss you very dearly!

    Dawn :)

  120. i cannot believe it.i will miss your blog ,it was like a breath of fresh air for me .i realize that all things come to an end.may God bless you and your family.

  121. Oh I'm so sad that you'll be leaving, but I know you must have good reason. Thank you for all you've shared! [and feel free to update every now and then if you want ;)]

  122. I've been reading your blog almost since the beginning. As everyone else has said I will miss popping in here for a bit of lovliness.

    Blogging is so strange, I don't really 'know' you yet I feel a sense of sadness and loss at your news. I do understand though and I thank you for leaving your blog up so that I can peruse the archives.

    I have 2 cushions and 1 tote bag made by your hands and when I use them I will say a prayer for you and your family.

    Many Blessings!

  123. As you can see Anna, you've touched a great many lives and I join my voice to theirs to tell you how much you will be missed. I always enjoyed my early morning visits with you and your family through your blog. You were the voice of calm in never-ending craziness of my day. I respect that you have a new direction for your life and that the Lord needs you elsewhere now. Please remember that you now have a great many friends around the US and as your children leave the nest and spread their wings, you now have a lot of angels in different places, ready to lend you or your family a hand whenever we are needed. I am about 90 minutes north of NYC in the Hudson Valley if Giles needs anything and I'm near the Culinary Institute of Bella chooses to make a career of her wonderful baking. You are always welcome in our home, as we have been welcomed into yours.

  124. Thank you for inspiring me with your site. I have so enjoyed reading about your simple pleasures and lovely family. I wish you God's richest blessings on your new beginnings.

  125. Another lurker here, but boy will I miss the little corner of peace and beauty you carved out of the world. I'm so glad you're leaving the blog up, I routinely use it as a reference for many sewing and crafting projects.

    And my do you use bias binding to finish your seams.

    Blessings on your lovely family.


    I understand. Thank you for making my days brighter and the journey more enjoyable.

    I love your zest for life, your attention to detail, your willingness to slow and savor and share.

    And thank you for leaving your archives. I daily am searching for something on your blog ... a recipe, a schedule, a thought that inspires.

    Enjoy these next steps, and may the Lord direct you back here someday!


  127. Just the other day I was thinking that I needed to go through the archives all over again to be reminded of wisdom I've forgotten. After I discovered you, over a year ago, I read the old entries in one big gulp. I will start over at the beginning again.

    Thank you so very much for giving us a glimpse of your inspirational home life. I have sent your homeschooling philosophy post to many friends: anxious friends who were driving themselves crazy with unreasonable expectation. Your post was a universal comfort.

    I will miss your presence in my online life and know that you will be bringing beauty and inspiration to your "real" world.

    God Bless.

    Rebecca in PA

  128. Anna, the only way I will let you stop blogging is if you tell me you are working on a book!! Sally

  129. I love your blog and will miss it! I am sure your next chapter in life will bring much fulfillment. You have done a wonderful job of training and challenging your young men and women!

  130. Dear Anna,

    Your blog was the very 1st that I read. Reading your blog encouraged me to start my own blog in October of 2008. I read your blog everyday. You are so inspiring and I will miss you dearly. Thank you for being a woman of God.

    God bless you,


  131. One of your previous commentors used the phrase "visual peace". That's what I've gotten from your blog and that's what I'll miss.

  132. Thank you Anna for everything.
    Many blessings to you.

  133. Thank you for these years of intelligent and life-giving commentary. You will be missed, but I trust your faith and your knowledge of the journey ahead. It's hard to have kids leave home and it's better to adapt to that reality and take the next step, than to get entrenched in nostalgia like most of Generation X.

  134. Anna,

    Peonies are my favorite flower. How happy I was to see the photo, but how sad I was to read the post. I have been reading your blog as my first e-reading of the morning for several years now. I always felt that we had a lot in common. We are of similar ages and I am a "retired" MBA. We are homeschooling our four children up to high school and I even had one attend at a "residential" high school for two years. (My daughter's friend from her senior class is going to Giles' school next year. I'll tell her to say hello if she ever meets him.)

    I can't tell you how many Grace Livingston Hill books that I have read because of you or how many times I have made your "Schoolhouse Pork Ragu". I will really miss all of your brilliant ideas and suggestions.

    God Bless you and your family.

    P.S. My only nagging question is why you pulled your marathon post. I always wondered what happened to it.

  135. I know you don't know US, but I feel like we know YOU. It feels like a neighbor moved away without a forwarding address! All things in their season, though, and I believe we'll be hearing from your children in some way - be it through opera, or photography, cello or wildlife studies (or being the cutest kindergartner ever to live in a schoolhouse. Is there an award for that?).
    Like a few others, I'd like to hear a tip or two about work/home balance. I am in law school, but hope to be a wife and mother someday. It's obvious which of those is the more important job, but how to do both? Or how not to?

  136. I am sad to see this news. I have looked forward to your pleasant and thoughtful posts for the last three years. I wish you and yours all the best.

  137. I have been reading your lovely blog for five years and am sad to see you go. It has been a pleasure visiting with and learning from you. Your post entitled "The Suitcase" was very touching as I, too, have baggage. Are there any other thoughts you could share regarding overcoming the effects of that baggage? Please forgive me if I am overstepping a boundary here. Please know that you and your family have been an inspiration and a testimony to God's Goodness. Thank you for sharing and, in so doing, helping me to have fresh eyes to see simple everyday beauty and blessings.

  138. Your blog has been a bright spot in my day. Thanks for your beautiful pictures and simple glimpses from your life. God bless you.

  139. Oh Anna! You break my heart. Your blog has been such a light an inspiration. Yours is a beautiful life, and I'll miss your simplistic posts. (very, very much)

  140. There's nothing that hasn't been said already. How I will miss this blog and the little bits of beauty it has brought into my life -- and the chance to see the way you have nurtured beauty in the lives of your children as they've discovered their special talents.

    Thank you for sharing and I too would love to see an update every so often. I know I will come back to the archives just to see the beauty of the pictures and the peace they exude.

  141. Your blog has been like a good book that I don't want to put down. Thank you.

  142. Say it isn't so! I don't think you have any idea how many people read without posting (unless of course you have a hit counter in which case you know exactly how many ;-).

    I have used this site to see a little bit of beauty everyday to balance out the yuck. Thank you so much for that, and for leaving it up so we can look back at the archives. God bless you and your family in your future endeavors.

  143. I'm so sad to see you leaving, but I know that you must follow the Lord!

    My question is--how do you balance your attorney work with homeschooling and homemaking? I am a single mother who homeschools and runs and a home business. I just don't have time to "homemake" like I want.


  144. Anna, I will so miss the simple beauty of your posts. I pray God's blessings on you, the Composer, and your children as they each make their way in the world. I believe they are uniquely and wonderfully equipped for whatever life holds for them. I have enjoyed "knowing" you. Best, Rebekah

  145. I will miss you very much. I have been reading your blog for about four years now, and it certainly won't be the same without you.

    May God bless and keep you and your family!

  146. I am a long time lurker and loved your blog, your Christian testimony,
    and hearing about your family.

    I will miss you, but wish you the richest of God's blessings.

    Please report on your fine family occasionally if possible.


  147. Oh no! :(
    I'm a lurker, but I love your blog so much! I'd just like to say, it has been a pleasure to read about your life, and you will be sincerely missed. Good luck to you and your lovely family!

  148. Anna, my third child of eight has Down Syndrome. She is quite delayed. Diapers. Doesn't speak. Enjoys putting disgusting things in her mouth. Sometimes it's hard to take care of her.

    But most of the time it isn't. You have helped me with this. Through your blog, I remember pretty pictures and the quiet joy of child-raising, and I am encouraged to love this precious daughter even during the difficult times.

    Thank you for opening your heart and sharing so many beautiful rich things about domesticity. I have appreciated it so much over the years.


  149. I am SO sad that you are choosing to quit blogging! The simplicity of your blog has always been a wonderful thing for me...a nice moment's reprieve during a busy day. I wish you the best!

  150. Temper- Tantrum! (Selfish me!) I am sure you can invest more of your time into other people (such as people on Facebook) that you actually really know. But, oh how wide your blog arm has stretched, you will be missed! I have been reading your blog from almost the very beginning (about 5 months after you began). I have enjoyed seeing the visual candy that you give us into the peaceful side of things that remind us to be grateful. I always have had lots of questions! I don’t think I have asked any though. However, I noticed that many don’t have question and I am sure that I will make up for their lack of curiosity. (Oh, I mean kindness in them not being nosy!) Most of my questions that I have, can be put in one really big category--- A Vision for the Family! (You can pick and choose which Question you would like to ask!)

    Q: Has your blog influenced the way your children see the more peaceful side of life?
    Q: What would you say is your Families Vision Statement as Christians?
    Q: How did you rear Children to enjoy receiving a gift of “going places” for Christmas? I guess it really is about how you had them value doing things as a Family more than toys?
    Q: Do you have a particular name for the approach that you use when “homeschooling?”
    Q: Do you read other blogs? And what would blog gives you inspriation?

  151. Oh, Anna, I will miss reading about you and your family. This makes me sad. :(. I have been truly blessed by this blog and I thank you for all your inspiration and encouragement. May God bless you and your family.

  152. I just want to thank you and your family for being so inspiring in so many ways! We are at the beginning of our homeschooling journey and I hope that my children grow up to be as confident and wonderful as yours obviously are. Thank you, again!



    all the best to you and your family



  154. I am one of those that can’t see the end from the beginning! I am in a time where I have little ones 6 and under. I have gathered encouragement from your Family to keep me looking forward to the joy in the season that I am in and the season that I will go into.
    I have read your blog for 4 years now. (probably longer) I will be sad to see you go.

    What would you say to a young Mother who is the stage that I am in now that longs to be in the stage in which she can see the fruit that you have painfully and joyfully put into your Children? What would you suggest is important to keep as my focus?

  155. I don't believe I have ever left a comment before but I just wanted to tell you how I have enjoyed your lovely blog. You have such a gift for enjoying the simple things and you have often reminded me to do the same. May God bless you in whatever your future holds!

  156. Dear Anna,

    You have given us a wonderful gift by letting us peak into your life. What an inspriation you have been! Thank you!

    May God richly bless you and your family in your new endeavors.

    I will miss you greatly,
    Elizabeth N.

  157. Oh, how I will miss you. I read dozens and dozens of blogs, but yours is by far the most inspirational and lovely. What shall we do when you leave?

    If you would be so kind as to share what books, resources, or even other blogs that have inspired you, especially in the wonderful way you have encouraged each of your children toward finding their God-given talent. You should write a book (hmm - maybe that's why your leaving?? I hope so)

    You have been like a mother to me, someone I have looked up to and striven to emulate. Thank you for all you have given us.

  158. I have greatly enjoyed and benefitted (ugh, are there one or two t's in that word???) from your blog posts. You and your children have been such an inspiration. When I read about your sons especially I find myself wondering what my little 2-year-old boy will be interested in as a teenager. I love your home and your sense of style and peace. I'll really miss this blog, but I guess now I can start from the beginning and see what I've missed! All the best to your family. Thanks for sharing!

  159. Anna, a warm thank you for all the inspiration you've given me through the years. I've followed you since the very beginning and enjoyed your posts so much!

    May our Lord abundantly bless you and your family!

    Maria from Finland

  160. Good for you - it takes a lot of courage to move on from something so familiar. I will sorely miss your posts and will frequent the archives I'm sure.

    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  161. First, let me say your daily entries will be missed.

    As far as a question, I would love to know how you came about adopting Bella, if you don't mind sharing this with everyone.

    Thank you so much for sharing your lives with us!


  162. Oh, I am so sad! Yours is the first blog I read on my reader list. It's so simple and gentle and all the same, inspiring. You will be missed!
    Bless you in this continuing journey!
    Laura in Mozambique

  163. Dear Anna,
    It is with a grateful heart that I wish you farewell. Your words of inspiration, simple and profound, brought light to some very dark days. The hospice posts were revisited when my own mother was in hospice at home and I remembered those words: You can do this. And with God's grace and your words of encouragement, we did. Your words encouraged me to work harder to make a "pleasant" home for my family. Your words encouraged me to continue homeschooling my children. Your words encouraged me to dig deep and find the beauty in ordinary days.
    As far as the Qs go:
    1. Would you please share your gentle discipline strategies used with your children, both younger and older?
    2. Would you please share your thoughts/philosophy on raising daughters to be strong, modern females and yet not become young women who are too worldly? I think that through your posts I've come to understand how *you* personally make it work . . but as for the next generation . . . what then?

    Thank you, again, for these years you've given to all of us readers and thank you to your family as well for sharing a small part of their lives with us.

  164. I could just cry! Your blog is the first one I look at every day. It is such a pleasure to see all the lovely things you create and how you have raised such a wonderful family. You are an inspiration to many. I do understand, tho', and just know that God has great things in store for all of you. Thank you and God Bless You and Yours!

  165. I think I'm going to have shared so much, and I thank you. I totally understand, and I pray for our heavenly Father's blessing on you and yours in the future He has prepared for you.

    I am so happy that you are leaving the archives here for us. :)

    God bless you!

  166. Q: Was it difficult/challenging/ intentional/happenstance the way you kept your text brief over the years? I'm the sort (ask my hubby) who always wants to know every little detail of a story and all the history and everyone involved, etc and that's how I tell stories, too. Yet, I loved the way you were so reserved and consistent with what you shared (and of course, the beautiful photos). It really did make your space so lovely and peaceful.

    Thank you for sharing your unique life and style with us all these years. I will really miss your "voice".

  167. Oh, no! You were definitely my favorite blogger - and it seemed that you influenced so many - modobjectathome comes to mind - hers is very much like yours and I love it, too.

    Bon chance, Anna - and thanks for the inspiration over the last 2 1/2 years. I've never found your brand of magic anywhere else on the really should compile all of it and make a daybook or inspirational daytimer or something.

    People would buy it. :)

  168. I want to thank you for inspiring me in so many ways. I will truly miss visiting everyday to look at life for a moment through the eyes of someone who understands how to see the beauty in everything. In this often troubled society, it was nice to have a haven to visit where peace and beauty rule. There is more I could say, but I will let thank you be enough. God bless.

  169. I have introduced many friends, and my daughter, to your blog and often said how funny that someone so far away that I have never met could encourage me so much and feel like a good friend. A few years ago when we couldn't find anything for my pre-teen daughter to wear in the stores- your sewing inspired us and we adapted things we saw on your blog to our skill level and have so enjoyed sewing together. Countless young ladies in our circle of friends have enjoyed making "a simple girly skirt" with their mommies. We also serve "Pleasantview Schoolhouse Chicken Noodle Soup" on a regular basis at our house and my son recently asked for donuts (from your recipe) for his Birthday breakfast. Now, we are preparing to adopt a child this year, and my question for you is:

    Can you share some of Bella's adoption story with us?

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful family, delicious food, and wonderful sense of style with us! I will miss your posts, but you are right, He is faithful and is always the right choice to follow His lead!

  170. I thought of a question I would like to ask, namely: how do you get through so many sewing projects? I'm amazed at your sewing proficiency -- you get through more projects in a month than I did even in my unmarried days, without a home and family to care for. I'd be quite interested to know your secret!

  171. Dear Anna,

    I have left you a little note at the S&S site for when you check in next. ;)


    1) How has blogging grown and matured you in your walk with the Lord?

    2) What has been your favourite part of blogging?

    3) What has been your least enjoyable part of blogging?

    Rejoicing with you as your walk forward in the path the Lord has put before you.

    Your beautiful simplicity has been a breath of fresh air, I will surely miss it. :)

    Blessings to you,


  172. Anna, how I will miss your lovely words, photos and family! Your's was the first blog I read, and continutes to be in my top 3 favorites!!!

    I want to stomp my feet in protest, but I'm feeling that wouldn't be very ladylike.

    Thank you for all the inspiration you've shared. It's been beautiful!

  173. Going to really miss you and yours. May the Lord continue to bless you all . . . .


  174. thank you for your beautiful spot on the web! it's been life-changing for me. blessings in your journey!

  175. Your blog was the refreshing start to most of my days. I will miss it immensely. Thank you for keeping the archives up!

    As many have said, it would be great if you could update from time to time. I feel like I "know" your family and would love to hear what they...and you...are up to. God bless!

  176. I'm going to miss your blog so much. It's funny, but when I started reading your blog ages and ages ago I used to be overwhelmed with guilt that my chaotic life looked nothing like yours. For whatever reason I kept coming back though, and for some time now your blog has been a source of strength and inspiration. I don't know many women with your vision for homemaking, and so your blog has been especially important to me as I slowly learn to create a beautiful and gracious home.

    I too have a couple questions.
    1. Could you sketch out your journey in beautiful homemaking and explain how you learned to create this vision of home-life?
    2. Where do you advice younger wives to start developing their homemaking skills?
    3.Practically speaking, how do you order your time so as to accomplish so much and (from my perspective) remain so calm and peaceful?
    4. Finally, if it's not impertinent I'd love to hear something of your adoption story -particularly your thoughts on being a racially mixed family. It's something I've wondered about as I've started to think more about adoption.

    Thank you so much for all you have given us. I'm going to miss you terribly, but I'm very grateful that we will remain sisters in Christ. I look forward that much more to meeting you in person.

    You have a beautiful family. God bless.

  177. Dear Anna,
    Your blog is my browser homepage. I have learned a lot from you, but mostly serenity and peace in the great calling of raising a family and a commitment to infusing beauty and love in all that we do. Thank you. God bless you and all of your family.

  178. Anna,
    I have been thinking since this morning when I read your post,about what I would say. I felt close to tears as some of the other readers have said. I thought to myself "How silly is this?" What a strange thing the cyber world is.
    I echo what so many other readers have said. I have been contemplating all the ways you have influenced me. I think I have also been reading your blog since Daisy and you went to England(I stumbled across your blog before I even knew what a blog was). Through reading your blog I have learned to enjoy "treats" in life. I have learned to look at things through an artistic eye and how much beauty enriches the home. I have learned to enjoy a task for the pleasure of doing it and not feeling like the faster I get my sewing project done the better it is. I have truelly enjoyed learning from your taste in clothing design and home decorating. It reminds me of Grace Livingston Hill's books where she speaks of quality and simplicty being elegant. I have gleaned much from your excursions with your family and the way you guide your children to their callings in life. I may have learned these things eventually in life ,even if I had not found your blog, but I thank the Lord that I did find them.
    Thank you so much for opening up your home and life to us so that we could benefit. Making a home beautiful and joyful is an art that very much needs reviving and my heart felt thanks goes to you for teaching us that very thing.
    May God bless you and your family in the future. Thank you once again for the time you have put into sharing with us and your blog will truelly be missed!
    Amy F.
    p.s. thank you for mentioning Yo-yo Ma a few years ago. He has become one of our favorite artists.

  179. Thank you for a wonderful blog! I learned so much from your posts. I taught myself to quilt after seeing your beautiful patchwork quilts, and now my son has a twin-sized handmade patchwork quilt on his bed, and I'm planning on a second one for my new son. My boy loves his quilt so much, and I never realized how easy it would be to make him something so special until you explained in very easy terms how to go about it. Thanks for that!

  180. Anna,

    I will miss seeing your lovely family continue to grow and spread their wings. Your family's ability to think outside the box and pursue that which is beautiful has been such an inspiration to me. I have thought so many times of your Homeschooling Heresies post as I've been raising Caroline.

    Like so many others, I hope you will drop a post every several months just to let us know what wonderful things your family is doing.


  181. I will miss your posts so much!! Your blog has always been one of my favorites . . . I think I started reading it soon after you started writing it, and it has always been such a peaceful and beautiful place. Your posts have inspired and blessed me and I have loved getting to "know" you and your family . . . as others have said, it's sad to say goodbye! I hope you may still pop in from time to time. :)

    As far as questions . . . quite some time ago you posted pictures of Daisy in a sweet smock that you had created using one that the Composer's grandmother (I think) had made, as a pattern. I think you called it the Helga smock. I just loved the style and wondered if you might consider making a PDF of the pattern sometime and offering it in your Etsy shop? I would so love to make one like it for my little girl.

    Also, I have loved reading about how you give your children gifts of a trip for each one instead of Christmas presents. I think that is such a wonderful idea and was curious about what ages you started doing this? My children are 6, 4, and 2, and I'm thinking this would be a great tradition to start with them eventually. I would also love to hear more about how you have homeschooled--your kids seem to be very interest-led learners and I think that is so cool!

    And, well, I guess this is way too long of a comment . . . just wanted to say thank you for sharing your life and wisdom, and you will be very much missed!!!

  182. Will you do occasional updates on your family?

    We feel like we *know* your kids and, now that they're moving toward adulthood, it would be great to see the "finish."

  183. you will be missed! enjoy this new season in your life, though!

  184. Dear Anna,

    I add my "thank you" to the 165 already posted. Thanks, indeed, for your inspiration and dedication.

    I too will miss looking through this electronic looking glass and being truly inspired by your love for the simple and beautiful things in life.

    I am your age, and the mother of two young children. I happened upon your blog while searching for a good pattern for a "twirl skirt" for my daughter and have been inspired ever since!
    I have been so uplifted by your writings and photos!

    Warmest regards, Heartfelt thanks, Best wishes and God's blessings to you and yours.
    Sarah, from an Island in the Pacific(Northwest).

  185. Thank you for allowing me to know your family and watch them grow. Thank you for showing me a life without computers, television and electronic games. Thank you for showing me a family enjoying things together. Thank you for quotes from books that you think that I will enjoy. Thank you for beautiful pictures. Thank you for showing that I don’t need to be an expert to try things, I just need to try. I, too, feel sad that you are “leaving” as you have brought joy to my day but I am sure that your future ventures will be equally worthwhile. Before you go, I would love to hear about how you run your house on a day-to-day basis. May God keep you and bless you and may His face shine upon you.

  186. I will miss this lovely little blog. Blessings on you and yours, Anna!

  187. I've so enjoyed reading your blog---inspiring in so many ways. Blessings to you and your family.

  188. oh anna.......can it be true?
    thank you so much for sharing your love of family, home, and garden. it has been such an inspiration to me, and obviously so many others. i bought your copy of "the hidden art of homemaking", which will always be treasured.

    God's blessings to you and your wonderful family.

  189. I cannot tell you how this announcement saddens me! You are such an inspiration, Anna! I've been a lurker and sometimes commenter that has thoroughly enjoyed getting little peeks into your life. As far as Questions go, I will only echo the comment I saw above about Bella's adoption. May God bless you and your family. So many exciting things in your future!

  190. OK, My guess is that you've finally cracked and you want to just sit in front of a huge TV and eat frozen dinners! - Just kidding! What a total inspiration you have been and I admire you greatly. I vote with the others and hope you will give us an occasional peak into your journey. Either that, or move next door to me in Alabama so I can keep up with you that way! Thank you for blessings you will never know you sent my way.

  191. Dear Anna,
    Your blog is my browser homepage. I have learned a lot from you, but mostly serenity and peace in the great calling of raising a family and a commitment to infusing beauty and love in all that we do. Thank you. God bless you and all of your family.

  192. My daughter and I will miss your blog, we talk about your posts daily. Although we are both rather shy and have never commented, your words and pictures have inspired many conversations. We are sad to no longer check your blog 1st thing in the morning before homeschooling for the day. May God continue to richly bless you with the desires of your heart.

  193. Anna,

    I cried when I read this post! (Although those pesky pregnancy hormones may be to blame for some of that)

    I first started reading blogs in 2006 and although I've started and stopped reading many, yours has been the one that has stuck with me since then. When I first stumbled into this lovely place I was expecting my second child - now I'm expecting my fourth!

    I know others have said it already, but you have no idea what an inspiration you are. There have been many times when I've told friends about "this lady who blogs" and how if I could pick one person who I would want to be like, it would be her.

    I have many recipes in my box from your site (all favorites!) and even now I've begun work on my very first scrap quilt.

    I know I will think of you and your family often for many years to come. Please don't leave us completely unaware of what you are up to - even an annual post would suffice!

    Thank you so very much for sharing your beautiful home and family with us all. May God richly bless you, your husband, and your children as you continue to follow Him.


  194. Anna ~

    I will miss you. You have been my bright spot at the end of the day. You have exposed me to things I might never have known. I have read things, made things, veiwed things as beautiful thanks to you.

    And frankly I will miss Daisy. Her spirit just makes me smile.

    Blessing to you....won't you please reconsider??

  195. Thanks so much for all your inspiration. You will be missed.

  196. You have been such a pleasure. I will miss this!

  197. I had to come back again to comment. I've been thinking all day about how much I will miss your posts. They were sometimes a late-night treat after staying up to study and often a refreshing start to the morning. Yours has been a site I've always come back to and I greatly appreciate your lack of ads or sponsors.

    I've bookmarked many of your posts, my entire family loved the golden marzipan fruitcake, and some of your music suggestions have become my favorite (Claire Holley's Innisfree comes to mind).

    Even though I'm only halfway through college, your posts give me such inspiration for hopefully having a home and family of my own in the near future.

    So again, thank you.

  198. Anna, you will be missed. Thanks for everything. Godspeed.
